Eti Moses Kajwang; what is yawa, what is! - TopicsExpress


Eti Moses Kajwang; what is yawa, what is! *************************************************** As you all know, I support Silas Jakakimba. I like taking sides. This, however, doesnt mean I have any personal vendetta against the other candidates. In fact, I find Caroli Omondi a very pleasant fellow. Eng. Phillip Okundi is old. At his age, progressive legislation we want the next Homa Bay senator to domicile may be a tough call on him. That doesnt mean he cant lead. Also, him and Gladys Wanga, the current Homa Bay women Rep come from the same family. My other philosophy for South Nyanza is that one family member at a time. Fred Rabongo is a wife batterer. And I swore to my mother never to condone any man who beats a woman. He has a case in Mombasa, I have the documents which a concerned ODM supporter WhatsApped me. The other candidates are just electoral details to be used at a later date as statistics. In developed democracies, they are referred to as lame duck candidates. I profusely support all of them. I blog for ODM. I support this party. There are things in ODM, as my friend Okeri ONyabuto often effusively claim, which are neither Orange, nor Democratic and they also do not constitute a Movement. Hypocrisy is one of them. For Okeri, such things also include men in black? Truth be told. There will never be another Gerald Otieno Kajwang. From the humour, the polemics, the wit and sheer brilliance, the late senator is gone, and all these qualities, though we may wish them on another man, were Gods gift to him. So, once again, mine is to debunk the fallacy that in Moses there is Gerald. There is none. The people of Homa Bay were forced to vote Kajwang. This is a known fact. But once they had done so, Hon. Kajwang returned the favour. He fought as hard and long as he could for the community and country he loved most. In fact, he passed on fighting. And Luos generally forget the past. They dont hold the grudges and Kajwang, despite being pelted with stones and shoes in 2013 was a very popular legislator in 2014. When he died, we sent him home as a hero. A chapter was closed. In the by election in Homa Bay, the Kajwang brothers are behaving as if we owe their departed brother some debt. No we dont. TJ Kajwang is the MP for Ruaraka. I personally voted for him. It should not be lost on people that even as TJ pushes for his brother to get to senate, as an MP, his contribution in parliament pales in comparison to that of his late brother. In fact, if it were that all Kajwangs have the legislative and political magic wand of the late Otieno Kajwang, the MP for Ruaraka could have been the next big thing for South Nyanza. Sadly, he is neither big, nor even a thing to warrant further assertions. So why did they bungle the Homa Bay nominations? Its up there, in the details. It is a siege mentality. It is the feeling that they owe us the seat. It belonged to our brother. Wrong! Moses himself has been a proponent of an end to what those who oppose our party leader, Raila Odinga, often disparagingly refer to as Odingaism, or cultism. When in February ODM National Delegates Conference in Kasarani was bungled by men in black, Moses called our party unruly and lacking discipline, and asserted that Ababu and Joho should leave! And it came to pass that today the ODM crew exceeded my expectations on unruliness and indiscipline. The ballot boxes were kicked and scattered and the entire voting exercise called off. Next step is the blame game. I expect both sides to rush to the media and accuse each other of mischief. And I expect one side to threaten a defection. Joho and Ababu may be headed Rutos way. he posted on his TL. Moses doesnt even believe in our party. He relishes in our challenges and enjoys our setbacks. He was, until he realised he could irregularly benefit, just an aloof observer. He came back from his hole in Uganda to replace his brother. Unacceptable and incomprehensible. We work hard to make our party strong. We fight each day to ensure ODM survive another day yet some people hide in their holes only to surface when something is ripe! For Homa Bay, all indications are that the county is ready for the youthful senator from Mfangano Island. Silas Jakakimba has been a loyal party hawk for a long time. Unlike the many jonny come lately who now do very little in parliament, there are youths who have stuck with our party and our party leader. Jakakimba is one of them. Loyalty is Jakakimbas other name. We need supporters who will stick with the party in good times and bad times, not those who hide when the media portrays us as the most undemocratic party on its deathbed. And when opportunities come, it is such supporters who should get the partys ticket. If all factors were put constant, there are several youths, all agemates of Moses, who have done more to ODM party and the people of Homa Bay than this man Moses. They too deserve to leap ahead. To dangle for us your late brother as your number one qualification is to mock us. No one in Homa Bay, no one in Kenya, owe the Kajwangs any political debt! For four consecutive elections, all those debts were paid in kind and fulsomely, to your brother. For TJ, you need to fulfill your promises for the people of Ruaraka. You will be defeated too in 2017. You should not forget you were a baggage to the party in 2013 nominations and had it not been that Mama Liz (Hon Elizabeth Ongoro) is a moral politician, she would have taken the certificate your were given. Remember you threatened to sue the party, our party, our ODM, then. In the final analysis, ODM is better off when no one lays special claim to any of its benefits, and, save for our party leader, everyone should be equal here!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:56:01 +0000

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