Etiquette of going to bed (Part I) • Hudhayfah radhiyallahu - TopicsExpress


Etiquette of going to bed (Part I) • Hudhayfah radhiyallahu anhu said, “When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to go to sleep, he said, “By Your Name, O Allah, I die and live.” When he woke up, he said, “Praise be to Allah who gave us life after He made us die, and to Him is the gathering.” • Anas radhiyallahu anhu said, “When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam went to bed, he said, “Praise be to Allah who has given us food and drink, and given us enough and given us refuge. How many people have neither enough nor refuge!” • Jabir radhiyallahu anhu said, “Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not sleep until he had recited, Surah Sajdah (No. 32) and Surah Mulk (No. 67).” Abu-Zubayr, the transmitter, observed, “They are better than every Surah in the Qur’an to the amount of seventy good deeds. Anyone who recites them will have seventy good actions written for him, will be raised seventy degrees by it, and will have seventy sins falls from him.” • Abu Hurayrah radhiyallahu anhu said, “Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “When one of you goes to bed, he should undo the inside of his lower garment and dust the bed with it. He does not know what has come on his bed since he left it. He should lie down on his right side and say, “In Your Name I have laid down on my side. If You take my soul, then have mercy on it. If You release it, then preserve it in the manner in which You preserve the men of right action.” • Al-Bara’ ibn ‘Aazib radhiyallahu anhu said, “When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam went to bed, he laid down on his right side. Then he said, “O Allah, I have turned my face to You and I have surrendered myself to You and I have committed my back to You out of fear and desire for You. There is no place of safety or refuge from You except with You. I have believed in Your book which You revealed and Your Prophet whom You sent.” He said, “Whoever says it at night and then dies, dies in fitra (natural state).” • Abu Hurayrah said, “Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam used to say when he went to bed, “O Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and Lord of all things, Splitter of the grain and seeds, the One who sent down the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an! I seek refuge with You from every evil. You take by the forelock. You are the Outward, and there is nothing above You. You are the Inward and there is nothing below You. Pay my debts for me and keep me safe from poverty.” • Jabir radhiyallahu anhu said, “When a man enters his house or goes to bed, an angel and Shaytaan hasten to him. The angel says, “Seal it with good!” The Shaytaan says, “Seal it with evil.” If he praises Allah and remembers Him, he chases the Shaytaan away and spends the night with him guarding him. When he wakes up, the angel and Shaytaan hasten to him and say the same thing. If he mentions Allah and says, “Praise be to Allah, who keeps firm hold of the heavens and earth, preventing them from vanishing away. And if they vanished no one could then keep hold of them. Certainly He is Most Forbearing, Ever-Forgiving.” (35:41) Praise be to Allah who holds back the sky preventing it from falling on the earth, except by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Most Merciful.” (22:63) If he dies, he dies a martyr, If he gets up and prays, he prays in virtue.” • Al-Bara’ radhiyallahu anhu said, “When Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to go to sleep, he put his hand under his right cheek and said, “O Allah, protect me from Your punishment on the Day you raise up Your slaves.” • ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr radhiyallahu anhu reported that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “If a Muslim man persists in two actions, he will enter Jannah. They are easy, but those who do them are few.” He was asked, “What are they, may Allah bless him and grant him peace?” He said, “That you say “Allahu akbar” ten times, “al-Hamdulillah” ten times, and “Subhanallah” ten times after every prayer. That is 150 on the tongue and 1500 in the balance.” I saw Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam counting them with his hand. Then he said, “When you go to bed, you should say, “Subhanallah”, “al-Hamdulillah”, and “Allahu Akbar”. That is 100 on the tongue and 1000 in the balance. Who among you can do 2500 bad actions morning and night?” He was asked, “Messenger of Allah, how is it that they are not counted?” He said, “Shaytaan comes to one of you while he is praying and reminds him of something he has to do such-and-such and such-and-such, so he does not remember to do it.” (The above mentioned narrations are quoted from Adabul Mufrad - Bukhari)
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:04:37 +0000

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