Eureka Seven Final Report Final Score-10 Special Rating-The - TopicsExpress


Eureka Seven Final Report Final Score-10 Special Rating-The Power of Love Genre-Romance, Mecha, Sci-FI I always new that I was going to watch this show at some point, Ever since I saw the first episode at Gamers Inn back when it was still open and also played anime. AND OH WAS IT WORTH IT. This review will be pretty spoiler free so I wont be telling you the whole plot. 1# Romance before Action, Character Development before Action This show has a massive focus on developing its characters and their relationships,and it does it extremely well. Action is not this shows focus, and there is only a few really actiony episodes but those episodes are also really good. Both Rentons and Eurekas Development are amazingly handled, and i cant really go on about the development any more with out spoiling major details. 2#-Serial Escalation This show has a great escalation with its plot as the show goes on, And its incredible how much the show progresses from the Very 1st episode to the Last one. Thats part of the reason I gave this show a 10. The show is sort of separated into 4 parts, 1=13, 14=26, 27=39, 40=50. And each part is more compelling then the last, Albeit for different reasons. 3# All-Star Just about every major character in this show is worth of the rank All-Star, But due to the way some of the characters in this show work, Im actually paring 6 of them into pairs of two. All-Star- Renton Thurston & Eureka-They are the main focus of the show Runner Up for All-Star 1-Dominic Sorel & Anemone-In the picture-These Two would be the all star if it wasnt for Renton and Eureka-Also in the picture below. 2-Holland and Talho- Talho for being the nicest person on the show, and Holland for being the shows resident badass. 3-Captain Jurgens-Unimportant at the very beginning, but hes a very good character in the final episodes Special Mention-Dewey Novak-This guy was a excellent Antagonist, even if his grand plan didnt make sense until after I looked up more details after finishing the show. 4#-Best Episode It had a lot of good episodes. Best Episode-50-Final Episode-Wish Upon A Star Other Episodes of Note 1-48-Ballet Mechanique 2-49-Shout to the Top 3-39-Join the Future-Oh my god, This episode had me laughing hard. (Those were the Super Special Episodes, And its fitting that they were the last 3. There were numerous other episodes that were really good, but those ones were amazing.) This show was absolutely incredible, And if you go by rating, Is the best anime Ive watched to date. It has such a major focus on characters and story over action. And even then the action sequences are really good. ESPECIALLY THE LAST 3 EPISODES. End of Report
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:29:04 +0000

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