Europe STILL ANTI SEMITIC MY DEAR FRIENDS: It has been more - TopicsExpress


Europe STILL ANTI SEMITIC MY DEAR FRIENDS: It has been more then half a century+ since the HOLOCAUST where 6 million JEWISH innocents, including 1.5 million children, were savagely murdered and burned to death, as Europe, the US and Delano-FDR, and the rest of the world stood idly by. SURPRISE ANTI SEMITISM today is part and parcel of Europe (and elsewhere) today. In fact, corporations like IBM et als co-operated with hitler as did the US Amb to the UK, Jos kennedy with the Krupps Killing Machine. REMEMBER They had proof and evidence about what was happening, and that the annihilation of the JEWs was taking place. JEWS have been scapegoated by the rest of the world for millenia. In fact today with unrest boiling over in Hungary and elsewhere, the JEWs are being blamed for weak economies. The US is woefully lacking in moral leadership, and in all candor, the US is leaderless. ANTI SEMITEs in the US blame the JEWs for the almost economic collapse as SON-OF-ISLAM obama contInues to lie incessantly about jobs, unemployment, and his signature accomplishment -obamacare, that is sure to bankrupt the US economy. This just in: In 5 years the obamas have spent more US taxpayer dollars on vacations and their comforts then any other president in US history. I TOLD YOU!! AM YISROEL CHAI NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT THE TINY YET POWRFUL ISRAEL MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD Their state=TransJordn NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:34:43 +0000

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