Europe has emerged as one of the world’s two major destination - TopicsExpress


Europe has emerged as one of the world’s two major destination regions for immigrants since the 90s. Today, there are 49.9 million international migrants in the European Economic Area, just slightly less than 50 million in North America. Europe is clearly a continent on the move, but it is equally clear that many Europeans are ill at ease with this. Governments across Europe face growing pressure to restrict immigration as public opinion hardens and anti-immigrant parties make headway. The most recent European Parliamentary elections in May 2014 saw gains for populist anti-immigrant parties, including outright victories for the French National Front and United Kingdom Independence Party.This poses an acute dilemma for governments: how to prevent an anti-immigrant backlash without undoing the benefits of free movement within the European Union, as well as immigration into it. just slightly less than 50 million in North America. Europe is clearly a continent on the move, but it is equally clear that many Europeans are ill at ease with this. Multiculturalism means different cultures living side by side, separately. We live in a multicultural world of mono-cultural countries. If only England becomes multicultural and other countries dont, then the result will be a less multicultural world. Right next to the Over ground Station, a peek inside the Railway Tavern pub will reveal white locals in the front, black locals in the back room. This segregation is self-enforced; both parties seem to prefer it that way. The sight of such retailed segregation is uncomfortable, and off-putting. It inevitably reminded me of the ”separate but equal” facilities of late-Jim Crow 60s America. Many comments claim that the immigrants dont integrate. Aside from the little interactions mentioned, how can integration occur? Doesnt it need to be 2-way? How many of us are pleased to accept hospitality and gifts of exotic dishes offered by the immigrants and yet dont reciprocate? Difficult to have a truly multicultural society when the core belief of many of those who inhabit one of those cultures is that all the others should be eradicated. Speaking English does not promote integration into British, American and Australian societies, and broaden opportunities. English speaking Muslim youths are angry, frustrated and extremist, thanks to state schools with monolingual non-Muslim teachers and English language. English language is not only a lingua franca but also lingua frankensteinia. Human right are also covers linguistic right. Cultural and linguistic genocide are very common. British schooling is murdering community languages like Arabic, Urdu and others. English is today the world killer language. Linguistic genocide is a crime against humanity and British schooling is guilty of committing this crime. Language is not just a language. It defines ones culture, identity and consciousness. It defines how we think, communicate and express ourselves. The fact is the most South Asian Muslims have come to know Islam by way of Urdu, the childrens alienation from the language that connects them the heritage of their parents and grandparents is disturbing. As a matter of fact, one has to get to know his mother tongue well if one is to master any other language. IA
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:37:04 +0000

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