Europe is a spiritual wilderness. It once was the world centre of - TopicsExpress


Europe is a spiritual wilderness. It once was the world centre of vibrant, sending Christianity, but now Europe is called a post-Christian continent. There are some oases in the desert, pockets of spiritual shelter and refreshment—but these are relatively few in number and totally inadequate to reach the 600 million people who need Christ in this continent. Great cathedrals stand as monumental witnesses to the past glory of the European church. Sadly, many of these represent a church now dead in religious formalism and empty traditionalism. It was not always like this. Virtually every major institution that makes up the modern social landscape of Europe owes it origin to the Christian Church. Many hospitals, schools and systems of government were birthed by Christians as they served their communities and worked out their Christian values in public life. But now these very institutions have forsaken their Christian origins having been influenced by the spirit of the age. Secularism and post-modernism prevail in the Europe of today. As Isaiah says, “Our pleasant things are laid waste”. The biblical values of family, decency, morality and purity are rejected in favour of fashionable ideas of so-called freedom. God is no longer relevant, we are told. And the consequences are there for everyone to see—torn families, burgeoning social problems and a generation without hope. But there is an answer. God can restore His glory to this lost and backslidden continent. He hasn’t finished with Europe. I believe He has plans to revive us again and bring us back to Himself so that from this continent fresh moves of the Spirit can once more bring blessing to the nations of the earth. But how will He come? What will bring Him back? What will cause Him to shower us once more with His favour?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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