Europe is heading for revival! Don’t let the things you see - TopicsExpress


Europe is heading for revival! Don’t let the things you see around you discourage you. It may seem that Europe is backslidden and ‘post-Christian’, but God is at work. He is fulfilling His great plan to bless Europe and revive her again for His glory. And there are many encouraging signs of the move of God. Many churches are growing in our cities, there is an openness to the gospel on our streets and more and more people are calling out on the Lord for His revival power. God is going to come through for us. He will not fail. He has promised to bless those who humble themselves and pray and those who call upon Him out of a pure heart. The political climate may not be favourable—but then this world’s governments have never been in favour of the kingdom of God. The government of God will one day swallow up all the governments of earth and Jesus alone will rule! But until that day—the day of Christ’s return, what can we expect? I do not believe that we have to sit back and watch the inevitable darkness close in on us. We have not been called to preside over end-time apostasy. God is on the move, He has an appointment to keep and a covenant to uphold. He has promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh (Joel 2:28) and to pour out water on him who is thirsty (Isaiah 44:3). One great promise of God shows us what we must do until He comes and it is also a great encouragement to believe that, if we fulfil His conditions, He will surely come and bless His people and revive His work. “Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12 Our responsibility is to prepare our hearts and to seek Him until He comes. But He is going to come and bring His glory with Him.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 09:35:56 +0000

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