Evangelism to the American privileged is completely different than - TopicsExpress


Evangelism to the American privileged is completely different than what programs like YWAM or YoungLife or your church may have taught you. In 3rd world countries most people truly are broken and will passionately accept and serve Christ with all that they have. So one doesnt have to bible beat them to believe they need Jesus. Meanwhile, it is the hardest to find true worshippers of God in America who dont get distracted. Why?- - - - - - - Because most men and women serve themselves as gods. Thats why the self esteem/ self love seminars catch on so quickly- they love to build their ego. Even among the church were taught not to offend, and to build up people, not tear them down. --->> This statement is taken out of context for people to think- oh I gotta flatter people. No just the opposite, sometimes to truly build someone up- you have to tear them down. For example, when Christ got ahold of me, I went through pain...He shook me and hammered me until I realized I was busted. It was only then, that I gave him everything I am. So God is making preachers and FIGHTERS who through his power arent afraid to hurt peoples feelings. Who will not compromise and will PLOW away at the flesh of the people, and kill the prideful minds, and self esteem so that they will turn to esteem God. Hes training men to CHIP away at every crutch people are leaning on that isnt Christ. ^^This message goes out to all the gentler/grace oriented Christians: Dont reject what God is doing! You dont know his ways.^^ Christian brothers and sisters come to me saying the way you go about things is turning people away, its mean, its wrong, its insensitive and brash! *No. Its just different than the way Gods asked you to do it.* Killing the pride within a man is the first step to him comming to true repentance. God knew this when he set up his laws. (the law is relevant so we would know we couldnt fulfill the law and we would have to rely on a savior, see Rom.3:20) in essence comparing yourself to his perfect law is an instant self esteem killer. Now Im not speaking division, im speaking unity; the church is one- now act like it and let Gods fighters do their job.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 03:56:51 +0000

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