Evelyn Arrington - I saw this and listened and found it very - TopicsExpress


Evelyn Arrington - I saw this and listened and found it very interesting, thus I decided to comment because I didnt find Victoria Osteens comments offensive and this is only my view as a Christian. My thoughts in providing this commentary is not meant or intended in any form or fashion to be judgmental, disrespectful of anyone because as I see it, we as an American society have become so judgmental about others, yet we often fail to look in the mirror to see if we have extracted the rafter or beam from our own eye, while attempting to extract a mote or speck from someone else’s eye. PROSPERITY UNDER ATTACK? RELIGIONALITY vs SPIRITUALITY? BAND-WAGON SYNDROME? WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO BE POOR? DIVIDE & CONQUER BY DESIGN? I would love to see an America where everyone could wake up every morning with pure love for yourself and others, knowing who you are and living with joy, peace, happiness, and prosperity! However with the Greed, Hate, Corruption, and Divisiveness that plague our nation, can this happen? It appears that many think they have the absolute truth when it comes to what God intends for us and they use select scriptures to “prove” their point of view as if they have a “direct line” to God, and the rest of us do not have that “direct line”, nor do we have the common sense to discern and see through some of the fallacies that we have been/are being taught since the beginning of “Religionality.” Religionality is what put black people in slavery because the enslavers used the Bible to capture and enslave when I have never seen in the scripture that black people were the chosen ones to be enslaved. That was a man made fallacy that was used to ease the conscious behaviors of the enslaver I suppose for the torture of another human being that is also God’s creation. There are female teachers in the Bible and I believe they were put there for a reason. By the way, who has been running or should I say ruining this country for centuries as rulers and things continue to get worse instead of better. When women are dehumanized and treated like docile little idiots because we have a voice, it brings about confusion and dissension. I do not buy into this mindset, in which I have lived on planet earth for only 63 years and to my recollection, we have never been one nation under GOD as a people. God did provide one nation, but we humans have not lived up to the Ordinance of Divine Creation (ODC) for all to enjoy the fruit of the spirit, with the greatest, I believe to be LOVE. Historically from research and legacies passed down, this has never happened to my knowledge. Interestingly, everybody wants the money that says IN GOD WE TRUST, yet it appears that many of us dont believe that GOD, our Creator IS LOVE” and that we can trust in God by the way we treat each other. I say this because in our nation, where most of us are taught that God is “LOVE”, it appears that we have become so materialistic that the LOVE OF MONEY has become the GREATEST LOVE” for some to the point, we will take anothers life for money, not just literally, but emotionally also. It is my belief that this is all by design to allow the few to continue to lord it over the masses, while many of us in the masses live delusional, illusional, confused, misunderstood and devouring each other – the Divide and Conquer Strategy. What is wrong with what Victoria Osteen said when she stated and I just quote a small portion? “…Do good for your own self…” and “…That’s what makes God happy…” and “When you come to church when you worship him you are not doing it for God, really you are doing it for yourself…” “…God takes pleasure when we are happy…” Why would we be doing this for God instead of ourselves? God doesn’t need us, we need God from my perspective, and I do what I do for myself to please my Creator, God the Almighty and I do not see me as being selfish to do good for myself. To me, this is part of “free will” that each of us has a personal responsibility to honor as a universal gift from God to do the right thing and do right by each other. Because when I do good for myself, this enables me to do good for others and to lift, rather than tear down. I see this as being a responsible person who doesn’t have the band-wagon syndrome and believe everything I read and hear, but research and pray for my own salvation because I believe God sees no human as greater than the next human and do we as humans believe that God only hears the prayers of the “leadership”? I believe life is about discernment. I do not lean on my own understanding, but I do lean on the ODC, prayer and common sense because I believe God is not a God of confusion and does not want us to live in bondage and mind control by anyone. The best gift we can give ourselves is FREEDOM and that is with balance in all aspects of our life journey and to live in harmony with others with positive energy to do good for humanity. Religionality has been at the helm of our society for hundreds of years with a divisive, chaotic affect, now in walks Spirituality that many have always had, but are now bringing more into the fold because of technology, in which Spirituality appears to be bringing about a greater love for humanity than Religionality – Could this be more about GREED as we see more and more falling away from the churches and churches are closing at record numbers? Also, church is where you find most segregation, always has been, thus how can we began to connect as a human society if we find worshipping together a problem when Christianity is supposed to be about love for one another. Then there is a church on almost every corner, middle of the block, the next block over, throughout the community. Yet, people are still going to prison in record numbers, many of them Christians. And, yes the prison system, by design is a multi-billion dollar business, just like the pharmaceutical business that survives because of people not taking personal responsibility for their actions and their health and their education. And why are so many Christians struggling in our society? Now, what is that saying about Religionality? And the hypocrisy I see in Religionality seems to be the root of much of the evil. Spirituality appears to be creating more love, compassion, and harmony than Religionality. I believe when each of us decide to be the positive change we want to see, we can change the nation and perhaps the world as technology is paving the way for us to interact with our neighbors on other continents to bring about a better understanding of how we all connect with each other, rather than believe in the fallacies that have been created over the centuries by those who don’t have humanitys best interest at heart. Now that we are looking more internally as opposed to externally to exercise our God given power, we are seeing a shift in the paradigm of collectively being awakened to a newly found consciousness as we realize our individual greatness and power. This is why I believe “Your Power Lies Within You – Let It Loose!” Every day when I awake, I have a renewed mind that allows me to know myself better and that brings me closer to God, my Creator and helps me to do better by other human beings, in spite of all my human imperfections. My belief is that as long as you are not hurting anyone else, you can and should have prosperity. Why would anyone want to be poor? I have been there and I do not believe God wants anyone to be poor. And I believe that doing good for yourself does make God happy as long as you are doing good for others and not hurting anyone else in the process.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 03:15:17 +0000

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