Evelyn part 11 Like a tiger in a cage, Albert Farallon paced - TopicsExpress


Evelyn part 11 Like a tiger in a cage, Albert Farallon paced back and fourth in their meager little kitchen. Though he looked as though his mind was far away, he took in his daughters urgent words. “Is there any way we can reach his doctor?” “The surgeon?” he grumbled. Evelyn nodded, causing more ivory locks to fall free from her bun. “Itll take time,” Mr. Farallon mused. “Probably take at least a few days to get a message to London.” Wringing her hands, Evies ruby eyes trailed back to the corridor. She could no longer hear Josephs gasps and coughs, and it filled her with terror. What would happen if he died in their lighthouse? Would the great London surgeon hold the both of them responsible for his patients demise? “Right, heres what well do. Ill go into town and get someone to come and take a look at him. If hes found to be too poorly, well see about admitting him to the clinic.” “But what about his doctor?” Evelyn urged. “Ill take care of that too,” Albert nodded. “Now go see if that thing he calls a nurse is seeing to him.” The lighthouse mans daughter did not need to be told twice. Turning on her heels, Evie made tracks back to Josephs room. A little flame of anger burned brightly in the back of her mind. She had seen sharks before. Her father once told her of a time, while out collecting kelp, he happened upon a poor whale carcass floating on the surface. Like the hyenas of the sea, schools of sharks orbited the dead behemoth, feasting with gusto. She wondered how the nurse would fare cast out into the sea with those ominous creatures circling her. Thankfully, such murderous thoughts did not have time to take root. To Evelyns relief, she found Wilhelmina bathing her patients forehead with a steaming rag. “Were going to send for a doctor,” Evie announced. Wearily, Joseph raised his unfortunate head. “Mr. Treves?” “My father will send for him, but it will take atleast a few days. In the mean time, hes going to collect a physician to come see you.” Heaving a wet sigh, Merrick slumped against the mountain of pillows. Like fireflies flashing in the dark, little pinprick memories flitted about in his sleepy mind. He remembered his dear mother dragging him from doctor to doctor in a desperate bid to cure the mysterious condition that was slowly warping her beloved child. Some of the doctors were kind enough, even when their intrusions caused him to cry and fuss. Others went so far as to give him a smack when he offered up even the slightest ounce of resistance. “You should cut your losses, maam,” he recalled one of them saying. “The Leicester Union Workhouse isnt as bad as it once was. Besides, itll be a miracle if he lives to see ten.” It had taken every ounce of willpower the late Mrs. Merrick possessed to not spit in the quacks face. “Evie...” he managed to utter. “Yes?” “Would... would you mind staying with me... until the doctor comes?” She didnt need to answer. Pulling up a chair to the bed, Evelyn took a seat beside her ailing friend. With great care, the Farallon daughter adjusted the blankets covering his back and lap. Though her touch was gentle, it was also heavy with guilt. “Im sorry...” “About what?” Joseph heaved. “I shouldnt have taken you to the ocean that day,” she sighed. “You wouldnt have gotten sick if we just stayed inside.” With his strength draining away, Merrick laboriously extended his hand, taking hold of Evelyns. “Im glad I came here.” Evelyn opened her lips to talk, but the pounding on the door stopped her words. To her relief, Wilhelmina was finally proving herself useful and went to open the the oaken portal. The doctor had arrived. He was an older man with a wizened face, a white beard, and the posture of a prawn. The shuffling of his shoes and the clanking of the medical instruments in his bag reminded Evie of a broken wind chime. “Good Lord,” His voice was like wet paper that had been left out to dry. “What on earth happened to you?” Joseph turned his watering eyes to the elderly physician. “Your... your guess is as... good as mine.” Adjusting his foggy spectacles, looked from Merrick to Evie and back to Merrick again. “An albino and a... Well, I must say, this is by far the strangest house call Ive ever been called upon.” Evelyn narrowed her ruby gaze. “With all due respect, doctor, unless you intend to pay for the privilege, you can save your stares.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:47:25 +0000

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