Even CDC is starting to move the goalposts on this one. - TopicsExpress


Even CDC is starting to move the goalposts on this one. cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/infections-spread-by-air-or-droplets.pdf Bottom line, nobody really knows. And nobody *really* knows whats going to happen if an outbreak happens in a dry Northern climate like ours since theres never been humans infected with the disease here prior to this year. Also, in 1995, the U.S. Armys Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases reported in the International Journal of Experimental Pathology (see it here [ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1997182/pdf/ijexpath00004-0007.pdf]) that the deadly virus actually spreads faster in colder environs, not the hot, steamy climate in much of Africa: We also demonstrated aerosol transmission of Ebola virus at lower temperature and humidity than that normally present in sub-Saharan Africa. Ebola virus sensitivity to the high temperatures and humidity in the thatched, mud, and [wattle] huts shared by infected family members in southern Sudan and northern Zaire may have been a factor limiting aerosol transmission of Ebola virus in the African epidemics. Both elevated temperature and relative humidity (RH) have been shown to reduce the aerosol stability of viruses (Songer 1967). Our experiments were conducted at 24°C [75°F] and [such as Ebola], aerosol transmission is a greater threat in modern hospital or laboratory settings than it is in the natural climatic ranges of viruses. ... Both elevated temperature and relative humidity (RH) have been shown to reduce the aerosol stability of viruses... Let that sink in. Preferably before the low temperatures and humidity of Winter are upon us. Thanks to the forced importation of thousands of non-citizens that has been done lately by this country, we have all sorts of populations that fear authority and live in cramped conditions with many family members. If I was a virus, Id call that a smorgasboard. And now were hearing the virus can lay dormant on surfaces for up to 50 days... Australia has courageously taken the first step in the West. Ban Ebola Flights. Mandatory quarantines for brave and heroic returning aid workers. We cant keep fighting this like it plays by the rules, becasue there are none. Hurt feelings > dead Ebola victims in my book any day of the week. naturalnews/047430_Ebola_airborne_transmission_CDC.html#
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 18:38:03 +0000

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