Even Christ, ate with the sinners; in hopes that they would repent - TopicsExpress


Even Christ, ate with the sinners; in hopes that they would repent and receive him at the appointed time once he was gone. Yet the Pharisees and scribes couldnt understand that! You have many in the Body that claim to be of God; Jesus Christ; yet they do not have love for those whom are not of the same RELIGION; DENOMINATION; as them. But God forbid they make a wrong assumption of who you are; and then find out that you are not; now you have met their criteria of Religion...in order to be friends with them. Now what kind of love is that; because thats not the LOVE OF GOD; CHRIST; Amen! Glory to God...that His ways are not like ours; mans. That His thoughts...are higher than ours! That Jesus didnt find it to be an INCONVENIENCE...to sit with; eat with; talk with; be in the presence of sinners; or else we would have all been; for a lack of another word; Ill just say...DOOMED! Who are we to reject the sinner who is in need of SAVING; HELP? So now we have become better than others...Brothers and Sisters of the faith; Women and Men? We are now to good...to be amongst certain folks? Thats exactly what the Word of God means, when it says...THAT A BODY DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND! Because how can the Body...reject itself; any part of it belonging to it? So will you stand in the way of sinners receiving: FORGIVENESS; HEALING; RESTORATION; TRUTH; from the Almighty God...Jehovah; and Christ Jesus? Will you become a stumbling block to them; others; just because they do not believe or understand as you? Is it you...whom SAVES; RESTORES; QUALIFIES; APPROVES; or TEACHES a man? Or are you; me; we; nothing more than a mere VESSEL...that Jehovah uses to impart the Truth; His Truth; to others? Is it our UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM; TEACHINGS OF MEN; whom we are to follow, or Christs; the Holy Spirit of God? For we do not teach our own teachings...which we have attained through vain thoughts; teachings of men. But that which has been taught by Christ; the Holy Spirit; the Greatest Teacher of all; is what we speak; preach; teach; to others; so that they too...can receive the gift; Knowledge of the Truth; and Wisdom; that can only come from the Almighty God. For it is no better for a Believer; Disciple; Sheep of God; to deny others according to their RELIGION; DENOMINATION; SIN; than it is for a person to claim that he or she is not PREJUDICE...just because they may have a friend that is black, white, etc. Its not about what you have...folks; but its the CONDITION OF YOUR HEART...thats the question. In order to be like the Father and the Son; one must have certain attributes; character; that is likened to them. Look into the mirror of your own heart...Brothers and Sisters of the faith; and see what is staring back at you. Many may not lke what they see; Amen; be blessed! © Shatia Story
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:36:56 +0000

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