Even after all of this time, the lack of an external (forces - TopicsExpress


Even after all of this time, the lack of an external (forces coming from outside Libya) Benghazi rescue attempt still boils down to something called Cross-Border Authority. Only the POTUS can grant CBA, nobody else on earth can give it. The battles in Benghazi lasted for over 10 hours, and nobody in Washington could know if it might last another 10. It could have been a protracted Black Hawk Down situation. But if Obama hides, disappears, then no CBA can be granted. No CBA, no external rescue. This is why the only pitifully small rescue force came from Tripoli--those forces were already in Libya and not subject to CBA. They could be sent on the order of the acting ambassador. But even an F-16 supersonic fly-over required CBA. It was not granted, and so there was no fighter-jet fly over, much less AC-130s Specter gunships, or other theater rapid response forces that were ready to launch. Obama broke the faith, his obligation to send a rescue force to Americans under siege in battle. While his good friend Chris and the other Americans were dying, our commander-in-chief was literally HIDING, so that nobody in the situation room could pin him down to either grant or refuse CBA. Anytime you hear about stand down orders in relation to external rescue forces, you know the reporters are still not on the right track. No stand down order needs to be given to prevent an external rescue mission. Its a matter of not granting CBA, not issuing stand down orders. WHEN WHEN WHEN will these lazy and stupid reporters ever figure out the right questions to ask? Obamas whereabouts are unknown because he was in hiding. A Black Hawk Down battle in Benghazi raging just weeks before the election would have sunk his chances. Instead, he wrote off the embattled American team in Benghazi, preferring them to be massacred, as long as he could escape the blame for the attacks. Instead granting CBA and sending rescue forces, the first instinct of Obama, Jarrett and Hillary was to shift the blame for the attack onto the obscure Mohammed video, which they probably had kept on ice as an option for when things might go disastrously south in the Middle East. Injecting a false narrative as a cover story was their immediate choice. Hence Susan Rice and the false video narrative. They let the Americans die. Obama hid like a coward, to avoid being put on the spot to grant CBA. WHEN will one of you genius reporters ever learn to ask the right questions????
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:51:50 +0000

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