Even after the crappiest day like today.....receiving feedback - TopicsExpress


Even after the crappiest day like today.....receiving feedback from customers and knowing theyre over the moon with their orders....puts a smile on my dial. My fellow artist and good friend Shane Andreas couldnt have said it any better yesterday. He laid it out and has given me the courage to do so as well. I realise Im am behind in orders and do apologies......I wish I could paint with my lefty and both feet coz itd make life so much easier lol.....but the fact of the matter is I cant.I can only paint with one hand, I have two very active babies who are also very demanding of my time. A 13 yr old teenager who is being a typical teenager and...a husband who works long hours. As well as suffering health issues at the moment...mix it with a high demand of orders and Im just about ready for the crazy house!!!! Actually a few nights there sounds quite inviting at the moment lol. In all seriousness.....I truly do appreciate the constant understanding and patience my clients have given me. Like Shane Im still new to this. Im not as much of a business minded woman as I am an artist and mother and wife. I too am still trying to work things out and find the best way possible to organise my life and business so they work together instead of clashing. Ive been told to slow it down by the doctors which Ive been naughty and havent....and to be honest....it hit me the other day that although Im here with my kids.....Im actually NOT here with my kids if you know what I mean. I realised my 3 yr old knows all of his colours! I didnt even know.....how sad is that! Thats how much I have dedicated my life to my shoes and orders since Ive started. I have no idea whats happening in the world.....couldnt tell you the last time I sat and had a proper dinner with my family?! Over all....I miss my kids and hubby. I miss being their mum who plays with them and gives them my 100% attention.....and I miss being a non stressed out wifey lol. So Ive made the decision to take a couple of months break. To actually take the time to get my health on track, spend some much needed quality time with my family and spend these upcoming Xmas holidays out and about and playing with my sons instead of having them locked up in the unit with their toys and tv for entertainment only. I apologise if this is an inconvenience to anybody....but I feel that if I dont take some time out....I will continue to run myself down to the ground and what good am I painting shoes if my mind and heart is not clear and 100% into it. I dont want to lose my passion for this....as I love my work....which is why Im taking this time needed to rejuvenate myself and get back in track. For my current clients, thank you for your continued patience.....I am and will be getting your orders completed ASAP. For my likers and followers....I hope you continue to have faith in my work and will continue to like and support me when I return next year to start taking more orders. As always I will keep posting my current orders and I will be on here every now and then so yall know Im still alive and kicking lol. Until then....have a great Xmas and new yr . Stay blessed and thanks for taking the time to read my essay lol. Ofa atu, Katrina ❤
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:24:49 +0000

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