Even as patriotic spirit engulfs the nation, nations and societies - TopicsExpress


Even as patriotic spirit engulfs the nation, nations and societies can be transformed not by making resolutions to clean up the system, to overhaul the procedures, to overturn the established institutions but by bringing a change from within and on an individual basis. The solutions to all our problems and also to the problems of the country lie deep within us and not outside. There is a need to change the collective conscience of all the citizens by channeling their energy towards meditation.Nation building is a multi step ladder comprising attitudinal changes at every stage. These stages are: 1. Making your own life meaningful. This implies no conflict between your inner self and outer being. It must not be that from the inside you are full of hatred, dislike, jealousy, resentment and diseases and on the outside you are seeking to usher in a change. First you have to align your thoughts and your actions that is what you really think and what you say. 2. Satisfaction and acknowledgement of whatever you already have. You might say that you want to live 100 years more but some of the inadvertent thoughts in your mind are a pointer towards something just the opposite. An unhappy person is signalling his system to shorten his stay on Earth and hasten the process towards death. Diseases are a clear manifestation of such an unhappy thinking. 3.Not to highlight the ills and problems affecting the society. People are often seen talking and complaining all the time about “undercurrents” of corruption, crime, immorality, lowering standard of civility, decreased tolerance on roads and in public life, falling level of religion etc. Drawing room discussions and tea sipping sessions deliberating on these issues are of no point. Stop underlining the problems. Just work to improve your own self. 4. Enjoy what you have and share it with others. Do not be miserly in feeding the poor, the needy, the stray animals, birds, watering the plants, caring for the elderly. 5. Do not project worry in your own as well as your country’s fate. Do not paint a worrisome picture of the nation. Do not be anxious about the future. Work to make the present perfect. Make your contribution. 6. If every individual makes his life meaningful, attains satisfaction, becomes willing to share the fruits of his success with others, stops portraying the nation as a doomed one, he will slowly become happy. 7.Happy people make for a happy nation. Sad people make for a sad nation. Happy Republic day of India :D
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:21:00 +0000

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