Even if you believe vaccines are safe, Dissolving Illusions should - TopicsExpress


Even if you believe vaccines are safe, Dissolving Illusions should make it crystal clear that they are not necessary. If they are not necessary, why do our children receive more than four dozen by the time they go to school? There are only so many possible explanations. I suppose some doctors still believe in them. After all, they’ve been indoctrinated since they first set foot in medical school. Big Pharma is a powerful—not to mention rich—force. And I guess it’s possible that the FDA, CDC, and other agencies believe the “studies” they see quoted. After all, the statistics are skewed to say whatever the authors want them to say. It’s also possible that some doctors don’t believe in vaccines and don’t vaccinate their own children but keep quiet. How many times have you heard your doctor say, “Vaccines prevent horrible diseases and sometimes death?” I know that, until my grandson Jake regressed into autism from rabies vaccines, I believed wholeheartedly in vaccines. I believed everything I read about all those horrible, deadly diseases and dutifully took my daughters for their vaccines when they were little. I couldn’t wait to get my flu shot every fall. I accepted it all without question. I never had a reason to question it. Until my family suffered the indescribable agony of watching Jake disappear into a black hole. Don’t let your child developing autism or suffering any injury after a vaccine be your reason to question the safety of the vaccine program. Do it now. Read Dissolving Illusions. If you don’t do anything else, look at the graphs. (You can see these on the web site, dissolvingillusions.) Consider the history. The science. Not someone’s opinion, but the facts. This book is the result of 20 years of research. It presents the truth. - See more at: vactruth/2013/08/02/dissolving-illusions/?utm_source=The+Vaccine+Truth+Newsletter&utm_campaign=897a66d25f-08_02_2013_illusions&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ce7860ee83-897a66d25f-406476935#sthash.uAi5wUcB.ITc0LFby.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:33:28 +0000

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