Even though I knew this already, but last night I learned even - TopicsExpress


Even though I knew this already, but last night I learned even more..... these so called leaders/talking heads of this anarchist movement, are not REAL anarchists, they are frauds, fakes, phonies. Out to make a buck off regurgitating misleading information to you. Do your own research and studying, dont just listen to these clowns. Im starting to lose respect for most of them. That being said, I still have some pretty damn kick ass anarchist friends whom I respect greatly. Every anarchist that Ive had on my radio show, I respect, and this message certainly does not pertain to them. The ones Ive tried to get on my show, who refuse, I now understand why. You have no balls, youd rather sit on Facebook and debate people, providing them with misleading information and dangerous ideas. You are useful idiots to Communists, you are making their job so much easier, and they are sitting back laughing, knowing that youre doing most of the dirty work without you even realizing it. RANT OVER.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:25:49 +0000

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