Even though these Jew(wish) people tell the truth that (*their) - TopicsExpress


Even though these Jew(wish) people tell the truth that (*their) religion does not give them the right to have a JewISH state & they do not support Zionism, because even by their readings, the descendants of Israel is banned from the Holy land until God brings them back. However, the Bible says that the Israel[ites] (*the suffix ite means descendants of) will be taken into slavery again by ships, Deu 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into *Egypt(*means: house of bondage, in Hebrew) again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more: & there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen & bondwomen, & no man shall buy you.... so when was white people sold into slavery by ships, & didnt those people in Israel get there from Europe, the place where white people originate? And why do American Jewish ppl call themselves white, Israel is in Africa, so shouldnt they be African American? The Bible also states that the Israelites will be in poverty, Rev 2:9 I know thy works and tribulation,& poverty, but thou art rich, and I KNOW the BLASPHEMY of them which SAY they are JEWS, and ARE NOT, but (they) ARE the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN. The Bible predicted that Israelites (Blacks, North/South/Central/Caribbean Native American) would be sold into slavery by ships & there would be others claiming they are Jews. They also dont claim to be descendants of Israel bc they call themselves Jewish/Israeli... the suffix ish means to have the characteristics of what the prefix mentions & Israeli means someone living in Israel. They dont call themselves Israelites, like I mentioned before ite means descendant of!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 00:22:26 +0000

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