Evening, It Monday almost six oclock and as I had said last week - TopicsExpress


Evening, It Monday almost six oclock and as I had said last week I am talking tonight about my mother, and some of what Im going to say might be repeating myself, but its worth it because it will show who Stella was, and the strength she had, that as a wife of her generation was subjected to her times.. times that meant in a family in those days the man was the head of the family, he sat at the head of the table, he made all the key decisions, and it was the way it was no other way, Pa was the Man, the Head of the family, Ma was the stay at home Mother, she cooked, she cleaned, she did the shopping for the food, took care of the kids, and was in charge of making a happy home for Pa and the kids.. in other words, Ma had a job that lasted 12 to 16 hours a day and she did all this with an allowance to take care of the home. another thing that you should remember is that Ma was a sixteen year old teenager when she married Pa who was ten years older than Ma. . It was what we call a Make a the Match marriage arranged by the parents, and thats the way it was.. We kids noticed a change in Ma that was very unexpected after Pa died, we just assumed that after 64 years of being married to Pa, and how much she loved him and babied him the last 3 years of his life, we assumed that Ma would be lost, she wouldnt last more than a year or two before she would lose the will to live and want to be with Pa in heaven, Nothing was farther from the truth, suddenly Ma became Super Woman, she took charge, it was decided that I would take care of the bills, Ma gave me her checking account and once a month it was my job to make out the checks, brother Ben and I took Ma to the cemetery twice a week for almost 20 years to talk to Pa, I made it my thing to call her everyday at least 10 times a day and my brother and sisters called also. Minnie and I asked Ma if she wanted to sell the house and move in with us, No way Ma said,this is my house, my home and here is where I will live till I die.. Ma at this rime was in her 70s, and lived in her home till she was 93, with our routine was set in stone, She had a boarder living in her basement to help with the Bills but, she cut the lawn, cleaned the house, cooked her own meals, and it was the way she wanted it. things stayed that way for almost 18 years, no major changes except for trips to the doctor, or dentist, when needed.. Things changed almost over night about Mas last three months of her life... and I will get into that tomorrow night, let me close by saying that we go all our lives thinking we know our parents, and in a matter of a change from the norm we see someone who we really didnt know existed... see you tomorrow night.... God Bless..
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:26:35 +0000

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