Evening Reminder. Wednesday. NUMBER OF RAKAAATS IN TARAAWEEH. - TopicsExpress


Evening Reminder. Wednesday. NUMBER OF RAKAAATS IN TARAAWEEH. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Because Taraaweeh is a sunnah Salaat, there is no specific rakaats commanded to be prayed. There are hadith mentioning 8 rakaats plus 3 shafu wal witir. Other reports mentions 10 plus 3 and some also says 20 plus 3. Personally I will suggest that we follow our local Imam or if praying at home with your family just decide with them how many you want to offer regularly and follow that in shaa Allah. Qiyaamu Ramadaan may be offered in Jamaaah, congregation or infiraad, individually. The Jamaaah is always better. The only reason why the Prophet did not continue to offer in Jamaaah was his fear that it might be made obligatory and hence a prerequisite for fasting. Like any Sunnah prayer, there is no Iqaamah for Taraaweeh prayer. It is offered immediately after Ishaa prayer and before Witr. The Taraaweeh prayer is offered in two sets of Rakaaats after which one says Tasleem. If one intends to offer eight rakaaats of Taraaweeh, one offers the first two sets, plus two sets, plus two sets, plus two sets, making the total of eight rakaaats. Then one says two sets for Shafu and one Rakaah for Witr for the total of eleven Rakaaats. If one intends to do twenty rakaaats, offer them in sets of two until the total count is twenty. The procedures of these sets is similar to that of Salaatus Subh (Fajir), morning prayer. Although there is no recorded Sunnah for how long one should recite Al-Quran after Al-Faatihah, it has been reported from the Salaf, the worthy predecessors and those after them, that they used to recite the whole Suurah Baqarah in eight Rakaaats. However, if one is unable to recite that much, one may recite according to ones convenience, as long as one desires, from anywhere in Al-Quran. We ask Allah to guide us through and aid us to be able to do as much as we can. Aamin.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:27:38 +0000

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