Evening all.. Well I have news on Liberty... The last final - TopicsExpress


Evening all.. Well I have news on Liberty... The last final procedure we had to fix her eyes has failed.. :( she woke up this morning with major junky eyes.. I talked to the vet today and she has a disease called Pannus. It is an immune deficiency and the long and the short of it is that her body thinks that her eyes are a foreign body and her body is trying to destroy them. With the last ditch effort a failure her body will succeed and make her fully blind.. There is one other procedure that we can do. We can remove her eyes. The only thing that will do is stop the junk in her eyes.. When I heard this my heart shattered.. But the in the blink of an eye I thankfully recovered and asked important questions.. Here is the result... Liberty is not in pain. She has no infection. This will not spread. She will always have junky eyes that will have to be cleaned sometimes several times a day.. She will be blind but she can thrive in this environment.. I cried... Oh I cried inside and out.. Then the dogs demanded to be fed and I did just what they asked.. That is what led me to my decision about this.. I took Liberty to her room.. She tripped on the gate.. She ate.. She got done and rammed her head into the gate on her way out.. She went outside and ran Bell over lying on the floor.. She came back in a Harry checked on her.. I watched all of this and you know what i saw? I saw an old dog trip on a gate and look around like, Did anyone see that? When she hit her head on the gate she took a step back and jogged through it like a champ (I think she was hoping I didnt notice...lol). She went outside and took the spot she saw which was between me and the door, too bad it was only about two inches and power housed her way through.. She came back in to her bed where she wagged her tail while Harry checked on her.. At that moment I leaned over and gave her a good pet.. She is a happy dog who happens to be loosing her eyesight.. Every accident she had tonight she did with a high step, a wagging tail and a look like, Excuse the blonde in me.. It was then I realized my heart ache is not hers. She is learning and adapting just like Gracie has.. she is aging not done with life and in her case it means that she will not be able to see the world but she can hear it.. When I speak she wags her tail. When I put the food bowl at her nose she follows the voice that tells her Libby eat.. She is happy. She is gaining weight and she is adapting.. She cant see you but she will touch her nose to you and wag her tail.. She is still a great dog who is loving her new life and that is how we are going to deal with her from now on. We will support her as the world goes dark. We will train her to know where things are. We will all adapt. We will all adjust. Besides what is the worst that can happen? the blind dog trips on the deaf one? Around here that is a good day.. That makes us all blessed and ready to take on the next challenge.. I am sad that she does not get to see any better but I could not ask for a more happy dog so how is it I have the right to complain? I dont and I know that so I will just accept the blessing that Libby is in my life and loved till the end.. THAT IS A GOOD DAY..
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:52:44 +0000

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