Evening all, With Monday marking the 100 days countdown, Im - TopicsExpress


Evening all, With Monday marking the 100 days countdown, Im starting a new project which will mark every day with a different reason to vote Yes in September. This project will be shared through my 500 Voices for Independence, In the Garden of Edin, and Visions of Independence pages. Ive been working on it for a few hours, but want more people to add in their reasons. Im trying to keep this to short and succinct points. These would then hopefully encourage a little bit of a discussion through being shared. Im going to post this to around eighty FB groups so please comment with anything youd like to see added, and ill repost later tonight with an updated list. All additions, changes or rewording suggestions are welcome! 100 reasons to vote yes: 1 to gain democracy 2 to get rid of trident 3 to create an equal and tolerant society 4 to increased local democracy 5 to enshrine equal rights into a peoples constitution 6 to protect our NHS 7 to protect free education 8 to allow students that gain high levels of qualifications in Scotland the chance to stay in Scotland 9 because having 1 in 5 children living in poverty is unacceptable 10 because politicians in Westminster are so out of touch with the Scottish peoples values 11 to have full control over our own destiny 12 to never again be a testing ground for policies that we didnt vote for 13 to have an economy that actually values our workforce 14 to nationalise our rail and postal services 15 to create an Oil Fund that will protect and represent an investment in future generations 16 to protect our elderly with pensions that meet the cost of living 17 to eradicate the equal pay gap between genders 18 to reduce the wealth gap between the average Scot and the rich elite 19 to have revenue generated in Scotland reinvested into Scotland 20 to know that my vote makes a difference 21 to take our seats as equals on the world stage 22 to create our own press 23 to rid ourselves of the shameful and bloody history of the British Empire 24 to give a rebirth to the Scottish Labour Party 25 to make use of our natural resources in Scotland 26 to create an energy industry built on renewables 27 to let us make our own decision on membership to the European Union 28 to never again engage in illegal wars 29 to have control of corporation tax 30 to save ourselves the salaries and expenses of MPs 31 to rid ourselves of the House of Lords 32 allow for a referendum to ditch the monarchy 33 to have Scotland take a seat at the United Nations 34 to set our own defence priorities 35 to remove the colonial role of Secretary of State to Scotland 36 to provide more opportunities for young sports players to compete on the world stage 37 to have Scotland compete in the Olympics 38 to have our national heroes for ourself 39 to see our history through our own eyes 40 to have the embarrassment and enjoyment of watching Scotland participate in Eurovision Song Contest 41 to have proportional representation in the European Union 42 to safeguard the future of the Scottish government 43 to prevent unelected people overruling the Scottish government 44 Independence is the natural state of being 45 to protect the most vulnerable citizens in our society 46 to regain our AAA credit rating 47 to prevent our people from suffering fuel poverty 48 because a retirement age that is higher than life expectancy is unacceptable 49 To have control over our own borders and immigration policy 50 to be able to attract the workforce that Scotland needs 51 to encourage the students that study for Higher Education in Scotland to stay here beyond their education to use those expertise to enhance the Scottish economy 52 to stop being reliant on the block grant handout 53 to decide on our own drug legislation 54 to protect a womans right to choose 55 to pass the current draft of the Assisted Suicide Bill 56 to not have UK leaders ask other world leaders to tell Scotland to stay put 57 to keep the far right out of mainstream politics 58 because we dont need big-name celebrities to tell us how to vote (Bowie) 59 because being British and voting yes need not be a contradiction 60 to a role model for other nations or regions and show that it can be done 61 to never have a government imposed on us by a larger neighbouring country 62 to have a housing policy that provides accommodation for all 63 to protect employment rights for all 64 to provide world class child care 65 to build up a reputation as a country that welcome citizens, wherever they may come from 66 to lift ourselves from having the most unhappy children in Europe 67 to develop a police force that is respected and welcoming 68 to address our nations carbon footprint 69 to have total control of our public services 70 to reform landownership from private into public hands 71 because we deserve more progressive politics than taking 17 years to devolve 15% of fiscal autonomy 72 because voting yes doesnt mean isolating ourselves from our neighbouring countries 73 because were the parties campaigning against independence genuine about devolving more powers to Holyrood, they would not have united to remove that option from the ballot paper 74 because as Kieran said, our workforce may have more in common with the workforce in Liverpool than the rich elite, but we also have more in common with the workforce in Epsoo, Gothenburg, Oslo, and Seville. 75 because we can still unite in campaigns with our comrades in other countries whilst running our own affairs 76 because why should a decision people made 300 years ago mean that we have the live with the repercussions today? 77 because real grassroots campaigns come from the everyday people of a country, and are not the creation of some rich individual or company down south 78 because defending the UK in its current capacity means saying that the neo-liberalist agenda we have now is okay 79 because being born in Scotland doesnt mean were better than anyone else, but it shouldnt mean that were any less 80 because the government that runs our affairs should not be pairing to far right wing and extremist views 81 because having a different passport to someone else shouldnt be what prevents you from having any form of relationship with that person 82 because if the White Paper is to be believed, if elected, the SNP would close Dungavel 83 because Blairs New Labour failed to deliver all that it promised 84 because big business owners are backing a No Vote, that should show you where their real interests lie 85 because anyone that tells us Scottish Independence would be the collapse of the Western World demonstrates how out of touch with reality the No Campaign have been 86 because UKIP want a No vote 87 because everyday were seeing people move from a No to Yes vote, and Ive never met anyone that went the other way 88 because the BBC fail to deliver the unbiased coverage that we deserve 89 because elected politicians in Scotland should have a residency in Scotland 90 because having our press owned and delivered to us from another country does not reflect the views of those of us that live here 91 because having members of our society reliant on food banks in 2014 is a disgrace 92 for our children 93 to take back our waters, the changes to which were slipped under the carpet. 94 95 96 97 98 because a no vote would crush the mass engagement that the referendum campaign has brought about on both sides of this debate 99 because if even half of these changes take place, then it will all have been worth it 100 because each and every one of these 100 reasons to vote yes in September the 18th 2014, is based in truth and comes straight from the reality of living in the UK versus independence.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 21:14:47 +0000

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