Evening everyone, We hope youve all had a great first day back - TopicsExpress


Evening everyone, We hope youve all had a great first day back at work. Tonight, we wrap up the 12 days of Christmas blogs with why persisting with what you have set out to achieve will lead you along the road to success. We always set out with the greatest of intentions. We tell ourselves that this year will be different. That this year will be our year. That this will be the year when we shatter that resolution. We are hell bent on achieving everything we set out to achieve this year. We do so with one thing. A positive mindset. But before mid February that way of thinking has diminished along with the memories of the festive season. It’s diminished because you failed to plan. Its diminished because you failed to adopt the lifestyle changes you said you were going to adopt. It’s diminished because you failed to track, and measure, and you arent seeing what you want to see. Creating habits, as weve said before, takes time. They can take up to three to four weeks to become second nature. Yet you havent given them the time to become second nature. You need to create the mindset, and learn to deal with small failures, and lose the ‘I’ll start next week’ mentality. Changing things means coming out of your comfort zone, just as working hard to get results in the gym does. If your not feeling slightly uncomfortable with these changes, then you’re not trying hard enough. Breaking down your goals into small, and attainable chunks, means you are not increasing the commitment to something you are unable to achieve. When you hit your small targets, you are showing yourself that you are capable of achieving your long term ‘vision’. If you find that you are not attaining the goals that you have set yourself, then dont give up in the first instance. Re-assess them, and work back, if you haven’t achieved them. Don’t skip them, as they will start to snowball, and will soon become unattainable. It’s at this point that you once again throw in the towel on another year. Remember that consistency means you stand a far better chance of really achieving the resolution that you have set for yourself. Consistency is king. If you are to unlock whatever it is that you set out to do, you need to think of this. Successful people are consistent. They werent born like that. They worked for it. They came out of the comfort zone, got comfortable with being uncomfortable, and achieved their goals. Persistence beats resistance. The 12 days of Christmas blog has given you all the tools you need to be successful this year, and every year from here on in. There are no excuses. No bullshit. Just results. Now go out, and get them. Good luck.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:00:01 +0000

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