Evening everyone – did Monday treat you well? Our day was a - TopicsExpress


Evening everyone – did Monday treat you well? Our day was a kind of non-descript one. You know those days that just tick over. Nothing scary, nothing wild or exciting… just rolling on. Tomorrow we get our go-ahead from the USA on the proofs for our October/November issue of Cesar’s Way magazine and after final checks we will be going to print this week – yahoo! We have already started working on the December/January 2014 issue – giggle, no rest for the wicked :). Doggie wise… a good day in the house. Well if you don’t count cleaning up the garden of bad Sheba-poops at the crack of dawn – her over indulgence (read stealing of too many non-doggie stuff and mom’s presents!!!!) for my birthday finally affected her… and then it affected me – yuck! Wet wiping the grass at 7h30 in my slippers is NOT my idea of fun. She isn’t ill at all – she has a cast iron tummy and isn’t called “dustbin dog” for nothing. Note to self: DO NOT leave food when Sheba Shanks can see, find and/or get to it. We all had a doggie walk earlier. I had actually opted out when The Dad and the girls were heading off as 1/ I wasn’t quite finished with the work day and 2/ I wasn’t feeling too hot. But then later when I was done, I saw Mrs Ali Bear standing in the garden and thought I would offer her a little tiny walk. She was very happy to put her lead on and off we went… me in my high heel boots! Not the walking attire one would expect but I thought she would only make it two or three houses down and then we would head back. Hell no! She was off! With me tottering, at girlie speed, over paving, pebbles, uneven grassy patches and cobble stones. We walked all the way the end of the road and to the park. We had timed it just right as we met the girls and The Dad there. Ali was so funny because she thought they were “new” dogs and had to sniff them and say “hello”. Then we all bounded back (as much as one can bound in heels!). Ali did get a slight limp on so I had to keep on telling them to slow down (I think I also had a bit of a limp on – my left hip is not home to Mrs Happy!). She did so enjoy her walk and being part of the pack – adorable to see. They all ate their dinner afterwards and Ali even got a small dessert of pasta. I am sure we will all sleep well tonight and I am going to see if she wants to go out for a pre-sleep wee now and then it is bedtime. I hope you and your fur kids also have a good night’s sleep and only the sweetest of dreams. Night night, sleep tight. DD
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:17:17 +0000

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