Evening people, Here is part two of success for 2015. Read over - TopicsExpress


Evening people, Here is part two of success for 2015. Read over last nights post, if you missed it: No one person was responsible for mission success at ESA. Each and every member of their team was accountable. To each other. Arguably, to the human race. These are the things that ended our world as it was, after all. They couldnt have achieved what they have, if they set out with one man. The each provided support, motivation, inspiration, and encouragement to their team members. There is no way that they worked for ten years without meeting with adversity on the way. But when they did, they had someone to pick up the pieces, to act as inspiration, or to offer support. You will need your own network that is going to do the same for you, when you meet adversity, obstacles, or life just generally tries to throw you off course. You answer to them, and they answer to you. Little by little one travels far. A JRR Tolkien quote. ESA were met by many obstacles on their mission to be the first people to land a space probe on a comet. The didnt let those obstacles stop them. They were persistent. Trying to make history meant they were going places that no one had gone before. They were out of their comfort zone. But they persisted. If you are to succeed this year, and every year from here on in, then you need persistence. It beats resistance. Every time. It’s likely that you will be creating new habits, whilst overcoming bad habits. They will take time to establish, and to become comfortable with. You need to lose the mentality that you can always begin next week. Or the week after. That is why you are stood here right now. You cannot give up. You cannot throw the towel in. If you get knocked down, then get back up. You need to be consistent. Consistency is king. The mission was successful because of persistence, consistency, re-assessment, and re-evaluation. Never rest on your laurels. The road to success is long. Personally, or professionally. You need to be in it for the long haul. You need to learn from ESA. Their struggles. Their courage in adversity. Their celebration in achievement. The persistence they have shown in achieving something that took ten years to achieve. What it is that you want will not come easy. It will take time. But know this. You can do it. You can. If youre willing to persist. To take time to plan. To re-assess. To ask for help when you need it. You will do it. It may not take ten years to achieve your vision, but it will show you that you are capable, if you really put your mind to it, and you really want it. I’ll leave you with a statement from Fred Jansen, ESA mission manager, after ten years of work was finally realised “ It’s been an extremely long and hard journey to reach today’s once-in-a-lifetime event, but it was absolutely worthwhile”. It will be worth it. Your health is your wealth. Embrace the chase, and make this year a real success. YOU. CAN. DO. IT :)
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:00:04 +0000

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