Event Mechanics: 1. One [1] point for any guild alliance who - TopicsExpress


Event Mechanics: 1. One [1] point for any guild alliance who won the weekly Castle Siege 2. The Guild Alliance who has the highest points after 4 months will be the winner. Event Rules: 1. Every alliance who has a record of winning must be stay together one [1] point will be remove/deducted from the alliance if they failed to follow this rule. Alliance who have a record of winning is allowed to recruit/replace his guild ally but one [1] point will be deducted to their winning point in every replacement. If the main guild in the alliance disbands, the guild will be disqualified for all the current season, also they are forbid to join another alliance, joining another alliance will lead to their disqualification. 2. If the main ally or any ally guild master is found culprit of hacking/abusing any kind of bugs the alliance will be disqualified. immediately. The Guild Alliance is responsible for every member of their ally. Meaning if we caught somebody who is using hack/cheat/bug abuse, one [1] point will be deducted to the alliance. Any ban done due to the above mentioned reasons (as long the report was made during the castle siege) will get the punishment doubled, eg: 120 days ban instead of 60 days for 3rd party program 1st offense. In addition, the Zhyper Network does have full rights to ban the entire account involved and/or the IPs related to set a example. 3. Any alliance that has been disqualified (1 time) previously will be permanently disqualified from this event. This includes any allied guild that has been disqualified previously. 4. Any alliance who have a record of winning cannot give/transfer the point(s) to any other alliance if they decided not to participate the event. the point they got from winning is not transferable. 5. Any Guild Master/Guild Official/Member who has been caught and proven that they are hiring a player in exchange of real money will be disqualified and their accounts will be banned in game. (Meaning participants are not allowed to hire a member in exchange of any real currency such as direct transfer, phone load, etcetera).
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 02:39:15 +0000

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