Event: Rabbi Ozer Bergman is in NY until mid-December Rabbi - TopicsExpress


Event: Rabbi Ozer Bergman is in NY until mid-December Rabbi Bergman is a Torah Scholar, a man who is always giving to the community, teaching others and spreading the light of Torah, He has inspired countless of hundreds of people with his seforim, teachings and classes. He has changed the lives of so many people and now it is your turn to encounter Rabbi Bergman. He will be in the NY area through mid-December and is available to speak with you individually or your group. Rabbi Berman is a Jews Jew. He is willing to speak in any place that a Jew can set foot in. His request is that his audiences consist of people who are sincere and looking to learn and grow; not to be entertained. He has taught young and old; different types and different streams. He is the author of Where Earth and Heaven Kiss a guide to personal prayer based on Rebbe Nachman of Breslovs teachings He was the Associate Editor of 15 volume translation of Rebbe Nachman zals magnum opus, Likutey Moharan Editor of Esther: A Breslov Commentary on The Megillah; Chanukah with Rebbe Nachman; The Inner Temple (all published by BRI) Philosophy major; BA Johns Hopkins graduate; ordained rabbi (Boston Kollel of Jerusalem) His Website: 148west/ Rabbi Ozer Bergman Torah Learning Channel: https://youtube/user/rabbibergman For more information on the topics he is currently speaking on and to make arrangements, please contact Hillel Levin at: hillel.leib@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 03:45:50 +0000

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