Events in the Middle East carry far greater significance than most - TopicsExpress


Events in the Middle East carry far greater significance than most even begin to understand! It has been said that every eight years the Middle East suffers another war. Recent history bears the truth of this statement. This geographical area has been a bubbling caldron of unrest, contention, terrorism and failed attempts at peace for ages. Its problems defy a simple solution—and this booklet will prove that only God can bring the peace that all there long for. The whole world is tied to the Middle East in a remarkable way. The problems there will not go away, nor can the world pretend they will by simply looking the other way! The Middle East is at the center of a powerful and vitally important prophecy of which the world is ignorant. But for individuals who want to know God’s Plan, this need not be. The facts of this wonderful plan can be known. The great God, who made the heavens, the earth—and you—holds the key to both knowing and solving the “Middle East problem.” You need not be ignorant—you can know His solution! Daniel’s Amazing Prophecy God is working out a supreme Plan on earth. Most people are completely unaware that there is a purpose for mankind—let alone what it is! The present and future of the Middle East play a large role in God’s Master Plan for humanity, and this region is at the center of an astounding prophecy that will affect the lives of all people on earth before this age is finished. The Middle East is in constant turmoil. Why? Violence and confusion have long defined this region. Why? Humanly-devised solutions never seem to bring lasting peace. Why? Few understand the historic… Read Now Over 2,500 years ago, God inspired Daniel to record a long and detailed prophecy involving many fascinating twists and turns throughout history. This prophecy will culminate with tremendous events that will occur in our time! These amazing events will stun and impact all nations—and yet they have been sealed, closed until this age! Some Bible prophecies are general. Others are specific, or even highly specific. Some involve single events that occur at specific moments in time. Others are fulfilled slowly over many years—or even over many centuries or millennia—and involve many events. You will learn that Daniel’s prophecy involves many smaller prophecies that we shall examine one by one, until we arrive at the modern age. Nearly all theologians almost eagerly offer their opinions about the Bible’s many prophecies—and they “interpret” them as they see fit. The true Bible student must always let the Bible interpret the Bible! We are about to examine one long chapter in the Bible. It will become clear that there is only one way to explain each of the forty-five separate verses in this chapter. The fulfillment of each verse is not subject to human reasoning, opinion or interpretation! Many of these very intricate prophecies have been fulfilled exactly as God foretold, and have taken their place in history. They are now facts that can be examined—and are powerful proofs that a Supreme Being foretold them and then brought them to pass! This long prophecy is found in Daniel 11. In chapter 10, Daniel is left astonished—completely shocked and overwhelmed by what God revealed would happen “at the end,” or in the last days. Chapter 12 plays a part in concluding the lengthy prophecy of chapter 11. The Middle East lies in constant turmoil, and events are speeding up dramatically. This region of the world carries far greater significance than most begin to understand! Watch Now Open your Bible and read each verse beside the text of this booklet. No other approach will have the same impact. Also, bear in mind that men inserted all chapter and verse divisions of the Bible. While these are often helpful to Bible students, they can also inadvertently break up long stories, thoughts or, as in this case, prophecies. The true meaning and scope of the subject matter are often obscured or lost from view. In this case, the entire chapter builds to an unexpected conclusion, yet to be fulfilled. Two Prophesied Great Kings God gave Daniel this prophecy during the third year of the reign of Cyrus, the king of the Persian Empire (10:1). Daniel recorded that two powerful kings (actually competing kingdoms) would play a large role in Middle Eastern events, until the time of the end. These kings set the stage for the unfolding of vitally important future events, which culminate before Christ returns! Two key verses set the stage. In Daniel 10:21, the archangel Gabriel speaks to Daniel: “But I will show you that which is noted in the scripture of truth.” Chapter 11 introduces the time setting. Verse 2 continues, “And now will I show you the truth.” When God foretells events, He speaks the truth! They are certain! They will happen! Since no scripture can be broken (John 10:35), neither can any verse of this prophecy! Each must stand the test of close scrutiny. Consider the following verses: “Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will” (Dan. 11:2-3). Who are these four kings—where the last is greater than the first? And who is the “mighty king”? Daniel was speaking of kings Cambyses, Smerdis and Darius of Persia as the first three, with Xerxes being the greatest and richest of the four. It was Xerxes who “stirred up” war with Greece. While newspapers, magazines and other news media report what happened, The Real Truth analyzes and explains the root cause of why events happen—why humanity is at a loss to solve today’s problems. Read Now We must now study several verses in Daniel 8. Alexander the Great’s father, King Philip of Macedonia, created a master plan to conquer and defeat the Persian Empire with a Greek army. But Philip died before he could execute his plan. His son invaded Persia in his stead, and Alexander the Great’s army fought the Persian army at the famous Battle of Issus in 333 B.C. (Daniel 8:2, 5-6). Two years later, in 33l B.C., in a second battle at Arbella, Alexander completely defeated the Persian Empire. Having already conquered Egypt shortly before this, he followed this battle with the destruction of everything from the Middle East to India. This happened precisely as prophesied! Daniel 11:4 says this of Alexander: “And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those.” Numerous historical authorities acknowledge that Alexander died suddenly, at age thirty-two, when he was “Cut off unexpectedly in the vigor of early manhood, he left no inheritor, either of his power or of his projects” (Rawlinson’s A Manual of Ancient History, p. 237). Alexander’s kingdom did break into four separate kingdoms, because he had no son to take his place. Prophecy was fulfilled just as God foretold. The following four of Alexander’s generals represent the “four winds of heaven”—or directions to which his kingdom was divided: (1) Lysimachus ruled Asia Minor, (2) Cassander ruled Greece and Macedonia, (3) Seleucus ruled Syria, Babylonia and all regions east to India and (4) Ptolemy ruled Egypt, Judea and part of Syria. From this point, the prophecy tracks two of these four kings or divisions of territory. The Syrian kingdom represents the “king of the north.” The Egyptian kingdom represents (vs. 5) the “king of the south,” because Egypt is generally south of Jerusalem. (Jerusalem is the central focus of all prophecy and, therefore, directions are always established by identifying locations in relation to this city.) These two kingdoms often fought back and forth across Palestine—the Holy Land and Jerusalem—with possession of this area constantly shifting, depending on the outcome of the last battle. Ptolemy I, named Soter, established Egypt as a far greater, more dominant power than when Alexander was alive. Seleucus also became very strong. By 312 B.C., he had established an equally powerful kingdom in Syria. These two kingdoms became and represent, respectively, the “king of the south” and the “king of the north,” mentioned throughout this prophecy. Daniel 11:5 states, “And the king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion.” Amazing Fulfillment of Verse Six Verse 6 is a specific and truly remarkable prophecy. Let’s carefully examine various phrases within it. Notice: “And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king’s daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement [notice the term used in the margin, “rights,” meaning marriage union or rights, in this case]: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm: but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in these times.” Fifty years later, Antiochus II (called Theos) was the king of the north, ruling at Syria. His wife, Laodice, carried great influence in the kingdom. But Theos divorced her and married Bernice, the daughter of the king of the south. Bernice was to lose the “power of her arm.” Her husband, the king of the north, was prophesied to not “stand,” and she and her father (“he that begat her”) were both prophesied to be “given up.” These three did come to a bad end. An amazingly detailed, precisely fulfilled prophecy ensues from verse 6. Rawlinson states that “Her [Laodice’s] influence…engaged him in a war with Ptolemy Philadelphus [king of the south], B.C. 260, which is terminated, B.C. 252, by a marriage between Antiochus and Bernice, Ptolemy’s daughter…On the death of Philadelphus [“he that begat her”], B.C. 247, Antiochus repudiated Bernice, and took back his former wife, Laodice, who…doubtful of his constancy, murdered him to secure the throne for her son Seleucus (II) B.C. 246…Bernice…had been put to death by Laodice” (pp. 251-252). We now examine the longest prophecy in the Bible, verse by verse. Control of the Holy Land Shifts Repeatedly Notice verse 7: “But out of a branch of her roots [Bernice’s parents] shall one [this is her brother who would take the throne in his father’s stead as the king of the south] stand up in his estate [“in his office,” margin], which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail.” Rawlinson states, “Ptolemy Euergetes [the III, eldest son of Philadelphus, and therefore Bernice’s brother, a branch of her roots] invaded Syria, B.C. 245, to avenge the murder of his sister Bernice…In the war which followed, he carried everything before him” (pp. 252, 272). Verse 8 speaks of the king of the south carrying silver and gold vessels, with captives, back to Egypt (vs. 9) after a successful invasion of the north. In fact, Ptolemy III did conquer Syria, the Port of Antioch (capital of the kingdom) and Seleucia. He took a vast amount of spoils, including the return of 2,500 idolatrous vessels and molten images that, in 526 B.C., the northern king, Cambyses, had taken from Egypt. The passage also states that King Ptolemy III would rule longer (“more years”) than the king of the north, Seleucus II. Seleucus died in 226 B.C., and Ptolemy III reigned four years longer, until 222 B.C. At the death of Seleucus II, his kingdom was ruled successively by his two sons. Seleucus III reigned just three years (226-223 B.C.), while his brother, Antiochus III, also called “the Great,” reigned for 36 years (223-187 B.C.). Each established great armies to fight Egypt, recover their port city of Seleucia and avenge the defeat of their father. It took twenty-seven years for Antiochus to recapture Seleucia and conquer Syria and the area from Judea to Gaza. Verses 10 and 11 state, “But his sons shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces: and one shall certainly come, and overflow, and pass through: then shall he return and be stirred up [“be stirred up again,” margin], even to his fortress. And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude; but the multitude shall be given into his hand.” Ptolemy IV fulfilled verse 11 exactly. After gathering an army of 75,000, he did “move with choler [anger]” against Antiochus the Great. He fulfilled verse 12 because he did “cast down [kill] many ten thousands.” However, he retreated too soon to Egypt, having made too hasty a peace with Antiochus, and wasted the substance he had gained, hence the phrase, “but he shall not be strengthened by it” (i.e., his victory over Antiochus in 217 B.C.). Twelve years later (205 B.C.), Ptolemy Philopator, king of Egypt, died. His baby son, Ptolemy Epiphanes, was given the throne. Thus, Egypt became vulnerable to attack. Antiochus took advantage of this vulnerability “after certain years” by defeating Egypt. Verse 13 explains, “For the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army and with much riches.” Soon thereafter, Antiochus formed an alliance with Philip of Macedonia to attack Egypt and retrieve Phoenicia and Southern Syria from Egypt. The famous Jewish historian, Josephus, states that a large number of Jews joined Antiochus in this campaign. Verse 14 describes this. Again, you should try to carefully read each verse from your Bible as this outline of history is laid before you. Next, Antiochus laid siege all the way from Egypt to Sidon, eventually seizing control of Judea in 198 B.C., at the Battle of Mount Panium. Notice the reference to the Holy Land (Judea) as “the glorious land” (vs. 15-16). At this time (198 B.C.), Antiochus arranged to have his daughter, Cleopatra, and the now little boy king, Ptolemy Epiphanes, marry. But this plan to control and possess Egypt, through deceit, failed, because Cleopatra deceived her father, Antiochus, and did not help him take control of Egypt (vs. 17). (This was not the same Cleopatra as the famous Egyptian queen of 31 B.C.) This caused Antiochus to focus on defeating and taking control of the coasts of Asia Minor, including the islands around it (197-196 B.C.). However, in the Battle of Magnesia (190 B.C.), Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, the Roman general, defeated him and destroyed his army (vs. 18). Daniel records, “Then he shall turn his face toward the fort [fortresses] of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found.” Antiochus, after redirecting his concerns toward his own fortresses, was killed in 187 B.C. while seeking to consolidate his assets by plundering the Oriental Temple of Belus in Elymais (vs. 19). Heliodorus, the “raiser of taxes,” was sent by Seleucus IV Philopator to raise money throughout Judea. However, Heliodorus poisoned Seleucus IV, who consequently reigned only eleven years—187-176 B.C. (vs. 20). Seleucus IV had no heir, so his younger brother (Epiphanes or Antiochus IV) won control of the kingdom by flattery (“flatteries”) and deceit. As the next verse states, this man was an extremely “vile,” contemptible person and his aid, Eumenes, did come to assist him. Rawlinson states that “Antiochus [Epiphanes], assisted by Eumenes, drives out Heliodorus, and obtains the throne, B.C. 176, he astonishes his subjects by an affectation of Roman manners and good-natured profuseness [flatteries]” (vs. 21). The Role of Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) The next verse pictures an effort by Antiochus Epiphanes to remove the Jewish High Priest (“prince of the covenant”). Antiochus’ purpose was to install someone who would be loyal to him. Some misunderstand the term “prince of the covenant” to be a reference to Christ. However, it is not (vs. 22). The next three verses are an insight into Antiochus’ character and manner. He started with a small group of supporters, yet through flattery and deceit he slipped into greater power and secured greater numbers of followers. Although his ancestors granted favor to the Jews, he swept into Lower Egypt and Galilee, thereby alienating the Jews. Rawlinson states that the Jews “were driven to desperation by the mad project of this self-willed monarch” and “Threatened with war by the ministers of Ptolemy Philometor [the then king of the south], who claim Coele-Syria and Palestine as the dowry of Cleopatra, the late queen-mother, Antiochus marches against Egypt” (pp. 255-256, 277-278). This occurred in 171 B.C. It was then that his nephew (Ptolemy Philometor) attacked him with a “great army.” However, Ptolemy’s officers betrayed him to Antiochus and he lost the battle (vs. 23-25). In 174 B.C., Antiochus had joined his young nephew Ptolemy at a feast. Antiochus feigned support for Ptolemy against his brother, Euergetes II, in a case of mutual deceit (vs. 26-27). The Abomination of Desolation Next, Antiochus decided to attack and slaughter as many Jews as possible. Upon returning from Egypt in 168 B.C., with “great riches,” he sacked the Temple at Jerusalem and took the golden vessels from it—all as part of his planned genocide of the Jews. He turned back toward Egypt, this time without similar success, because Ptolemy Philometor had secured assistance from Rome (vs. 28-29). The Roman commander, Popillius, brought his fleet of ships to attack Antiochus. Popillius secured surrender on his own terms, which included leaving Egypt after returning Cyprus to Egypt. This caused Antiochus, once again, to vent his anger against Judea (the Jews) as he was returning to Antioch. This “indignation against the holy covenant” offered favor to any Jews who would renounce their beliefs and practices (vs. 30). Antiochus dispatched troops to Palestine one year later, in 167 B.C., with terrible results for all who fell in his path. He destroyed the Temple and its sanctuary—doing away with the daily sacrifice (described in Daniel 8:11, 24), while setting up an image, the abomination of desolation, directly on the altar of the Temple—thus defiling it, or making it desolate! (There are those who attempt to portray this verse as having been fulfilled at the time the Dome of the Rock was built on the Temple site, over eight centuries later, in the seventh century A.D. For this to be true, all of the verses that have been explained to this point would require some other equally plausible explanation to “work” with the precision we have seen every step of the way thus far. This would also apply to all the verses that follow verse 31.) Antiochus Epiphanes placed the “abomination that makes desolate” in the Temple in 167 B.C. (vs. 31). Antiochus’ prophetic fulfillment of this verse is a crucial “type” of a latter day fulfillment to occur in our time. Luke 21:20 makes plain that Jerusalem will be left in “desolation” by “armies” that will “surround” and destroy it. The gravity of this prophecy will be addressed in more detail at the end of the booklet. However, it is important for the reader to recognize that God often uses duality to show the world, through prior similar events, exactly what He intends to do again—to repeat—usually in a far greater way, in the future. This is an absolutely vital key to understanding the meaning of all Bible prophecy! Christ and the Apostles Enter the Prophecy The first part of verse 32 describes Antiochus’ attempt to destroy the Jewish religion. He actually outlawed both the daily sacrifice and the daily ministration of the Temple through a system of flattering (with favors) any Jews who would renounce their beliefs. It is critical to understand that, from the middle of verse thirty-two, the prophecy shifts forward to the time of the New Testament Church. We have watched each step of this prophecy unfold through two centuries of time. The time setting now fast-forwards approximately 200 years to depict true Christians, “even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed” (vs. 35). Notice that verse 32 speaks of “people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits [great works].” Verse 33 continues, “they that understand among the people shall instruct many.” At this point, many theologians and commentaries note that the highly detailed, precisely-fulfilled, verse-by-verse story appears to come to an abrupt end with this verse. But this is not true! These two portions of verses picture two entirely different time settings—the first being a type of the latter. Certainly Antiochus did “corrupt by flatteries” a great many Jews. The latter part of verse 32 speaks of the time of the Maccabees, who resisted Antiochus’ pattern of corruption and slaughter. They represented a type of what Christ and the apostles would begin to do when Christ built His Church (Matt. 16:18). Christians are supposed to be “strong” and should always be prepared to “instruct many”—because they “understand” what God is doing in His Plan on earth! Of course, Jesus Christ and the apostles certainly fulfilled these verses toward many. Daniel specifically records that at the time of the end (12:10), “none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” The entirety of Daniel 12 is a continuation of this end-time setting—established from here forward. (Our booklet Are These the Last Days? discusses this in greater detail.) The latter part of verse 33 is a picture of the martyrdom of Christ and all of the apostles except John. For true Christians, persecution and martyrdom continued into the Middle Ages. (For those who have grown lukewarm, this will occur again before Christ returns.) Verses 34-35 are a clear, powerful description of the path of God’s true people from the time the New Testament Church was founded all the way to the present. Notice: “Now when they shall fall, they shall be [helped] with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.” (This verse should be compared with Revelation 12:6, 11, 13-17.) Verse 36 describes the king of the north during the early centuries of the New Testament Church. From 65 B.C. forward, the Roman emperor (king of the north) controlled the Holy Land (Judea). Each Roman emperor certainly did “exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god,” by requiring all his subjects to worship him—and he even required sacrifices to be offered to him, like he was a god! Roman emperors did act as though they were gods. They did speak against the true God and persecuted His true servants—Christians—for many hundreds of years. Verse 37 shows how Roman kings, prior to A.D. 476, had worshipped idols. History records that Roman emperors required their subjects to worship them as gods! Verse 38 describes how the entire Roman Empire did “honor the god of forces [margin, “munitions”].” The Roman army did develop into the most powerful war machine in history to that time, and the empire amassed gold, silver, jewelry, etc. From Justinian’s reign, in A.D. 554, when the “deadly wound” of Revelation 13 “was healed” (after a 78-year period from A.D. 476, when three northern barbarian tribes had swept into and temporarily controlled Rome), the civil emperors in Rome did begin to honor (with power, gold and silver) a god that had been unknown to their ancestors or “fathers.” This “god” held a high religious office and received great deference from Roman emperors. Through these emperors, this high religious office controlled or “ruled over many” and had great power and wealth given to it. Carefully compare this portion of the prophecy with Revelation 17:4-5 and 18:3 and 16, where this religious power is described as “babylon” and “the mother of harlots” who “fornicates” with the “kings” and “merchants of the earth” (vs. 38-39)! The Time of the End Verse 40 plainly uses the term “at the time of the end.” It then makes reference to “the king of the south shall push at him,” while it explains that “the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind…” What does this mean? Who are these kings? Who is this end-time king of the south? Anciently, it was Egypt. Rome seized Egypt and made it a province. During the intervening centuries, there was no great king of the south. However, recall that Ptolemy III Euergetes did seize part of Ethiopia, as the king of the south in Egypt, in 247-222 B.C. Both Rawlinson and the Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th edition) explain that Egypt and Ethiopia were governed together several different times. Ethiopia was the only part of the territory controlled by the king of the south that remained independent until the twentieth century. The King of the South Once again, only Ethiopia continued and remained independent in East Africa from the time of the Roman Empire. Therefore, no other country or government could fit as the king of the south—i.e., by having been a part of the ancient land controlled by the “king of the south.” Remember, verse 40 explains that the setting is the time of the end. The king of the south “push[es]” toward the north—or Rome. This occurred in 1895. At that time, about 10,000 men, under the Ethiopian King Menelik, came against the Italian army led by General Baratieri. It should be noted that Eritrea (north of Ethiopia) belonged to Italy, while southeast of Ethiopia was Italian Somaliland. One year later, in 1896, the Italian General Baratieri attempted to defend Eritrea against the Ethiopian attack. Over 11,000 people were either killed or taken prisoner. The greatly outnumbered and inexperienced Italian army was almost completely destroyed in a battle fought over rugged, mountainous terrain. Italy never forgot this defeat and vowed revenge. It took almost 40 years, but the opportunity finally came. In 1927, Mussolini determined that he would attack Ethiopia in eight years (1935), at a point 39 years after the defeat. He followed through, and this did occur in 1935! Again, notice verse 40, in its reference to Mussolini’s attack: “…and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.” A whirlwind is the equivalent of a tornado, which is a powerful storm that drops out of the sky. Mussolini did, in fact, bring a large air force to attack Ethiopia. Of course, his “chariots” were modern tanks and other armaments. The “many ships” were part of an armada carrying over 100,000 soldiers to the battle. Verse 40 ends with an amazing statement—it describes this great force as “pass[ing] over.” Just as God foretold, Mussolini withdrew and did not completely finish his attack. This is because God has reserved one final influential and very powerful leader who will arise in Europe and complete this prophecy! This will include another showdown between the modern king of the north and king of the south. We have now arrived at our precise point in time when the verses that follow verse 40 are those that are yet to be fulfilled—while all verses preceding and through verse 40, are already fulfilled and have become established facts of history! May all who read the next five verses understand their message for our time! Final Coming Revival of The Roman Empire Many Bible prophecies reveal that there is yet coming one final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—when a final king of the north will seize the world stage for a short period prior to the Return of Christ. The world is now moving toward this final terrible time of great trouble. This dictator will gather ten other kings (Rev. 17:12-13), who will give their power and allegiance to him, in this last revival of the Holy Roman Empire. Verse 41 says of this king, “he shall enter also into the glorious land.” This entrance into the glorious land, or Holy Land, has not yet happened! The prophecy continues, “And many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.” (Incidentally, Moab and Ammon comprise the modern Middle Eastern nation of Jordan. Many prophecies indicate that God may spare this region as a place to protect His true servants.) Verse 42 says, “Egypt shall not escape” this time. Then, verse 43 says, “the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.” The king of the north will, once again, control these two countries, which Italy lost control over at the end of World War II. After the invasion by Mussolini, Ethiopia is no longer referenced. Verse 44 makes reference to “tidings [news] out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him.” Russia and the Orient lie north and east, respectively, from where the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire will be established in the Middle East. Remember, prophetically, God uses Jerusalem as the geographic point from which to reference any direction. The king of the north will hear some troubling news and Russia, coupled with many nations from the east, will join the war, centered in the Middle East. Verse 45 summarizes the end of this longest of all Bible prophecies. The king of the north (the final ruler over the last revival of the Holy Roman Empire) will sweep into the modern land of Israel, “the holy mountain,” to establish his religious headquarters. Another prophecy, in Zechariah 14:2, declares that “the city [Jerusalem] shall be taken.” The rest of this verse must be read to fully understand the horror that occurs when Jerusalem is taken and conquered. Take a moment to read Luke 21:20, where Jerusalem’s desolation comes from armies that surround it. Zechariah 14:3 continues, explaining what ultimately happens: “Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east” (vs. 4). In the end, the all-powerful, returning Jesus Christ destroys the armies that destroyed Jerusalem! When speaking of the final beast and false prophet, Daniel 11:45 concludes, “Yet he [the beast] shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” Zechariah 14:3 explains that Christ will deal with him—as well as with the false prophet. Revelation 19:19-20 and Zechariah 14:12 give more explanation to the terrible end that will come to these two infamous people! The Culmination The following quote, from Herbert W. Armstrong’s booklet The MIDDLE EAST in Prophecy, summarizes what every true Christian must do: “And now what is the time of this end, at the close of this marvelous prophecy? The next verse, Daniel 12:1, says at the time of the resurrection of the just—at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! “This prophecy begins with the kingdoms of Syria and Egypt, soon after the death of Alexander the Great—2,300 years ago. But it ends at the time of the resurrection and the Second Coming of Christ to bring peace at last to the region—and to the entire world! It is so plain, there can be no doubt of its right application! “Are you ready for that event? It is fast approaching. Now is the time to get ready, for Jesus said, ‘Be ye also ready!’”
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 11:50:14 +0000

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