Ever Heard of Shifting Shadow Syndrome? People who shade the truth - TopicsExpress


Ever Heard of Shifting Shadow Syndrome? People who shade the truth because their darkened minds can not see the light of day. 16 So don’t be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.* He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.* Tyndale House Publishers. (2007). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (3rd ed., Jas 1:16–17). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers. Noun 1. shifting - the act of moving from one place to another; his constant shifting disrupted the class shift movement, move, motion - the act of changing location from one place to another; police controlled the motion of the crowd; the movement of people from the farms to the cities; his move put him directly in my path Adj. 1. shifting - continuously varying; taffeta with shifting colors variable - liable to or capable of change; rainfall in the tropics is notoriously variable; variable winds; variable expenses 2. shifting - changing position or direction; he drifted into the shifting crowd; their nervous shifting glances; shifty winds shifty unsteady - subject to change or variation; her unsteady walk; his hand was unsteady as he poured the wine; an unsteady voice 3. shifting - (of soil) unstableshifting - (of soil) unstable; shifting sands; unfirm earth unfirm loose - not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; loose gravel shadow (ˈʃædəʊ) n 1. a dark image or shape cast on a surface by the interception of light rays by an opaque body 2. an area of relative darkness 3. (Art Terms) the dark portions of a picture 4. a hint, image, or faint semblance: beyond a shadow of a doubt. 5. a remnant or vestige: a shadow of ones past self. 6. a reflection 7. a threatening influence; blight: a shadow over ones happiness. 8. a spectre 9. an inseparable companion 10. a person who trails another in secret, such as a detective 11. (Medicine) med a dark area on an X-ray film representing an opaque structure or part 12. (Psychology) (in Jungian psychology) the archetype that represents mans animal ancestors 13. protection or shelter 14. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (modifier) Brit designating a member or members of the main opposition party in Parliament who would hold ministerial office if their party were in power: shadow Chancellor; shadow cabinet. vb (tr) 15. to cast a shadow over 16. to make dark or gloomy; blight 17. to shade from light 18. to follow or trail secretly 19. (often foll by forth) to represent vaguely 20. (Art Terms) painting drawing another word for shade13
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 00:14:54 +0000

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