Ever ask this question? What is Agenda 21 and its goals? Agenda - TopicsExpress


Ever ask this question? What is Agenda 21 and its goals? Agenda 21 destroys people from all walks of life. Its policies are draconian. Its unconstitutional dictates are carried out with impunity. Agenda 21 seeks to destroy the family by separating children from parents. Its allies are destroying private property rights. Agenda 21 wants to remove all people from rural areas through the enforcement of the anti-small farmer administratively contrived policies frequently concocted by bureaucrats who are outside the reach of the electorate. Agenda 21 proponents allow no discourse as to the veracity and legitimacy of its policies. Agenda 21 advocates pursue a course of extreme revenge against those who speak out against its policies. Agenda 21 is the driving force behind the ridiculous and mindless control policies besieging America under the guise of HOA regulations. Agenda 21 is the administrative arm of the climate change extremists who use pseudoscience to pursue policies related to the elimination of private property rights. As some of you already know, Agenda 21 seeks to remove nearly all energy usage from the populace. Ultimately, Agenda 21 creators seek to reduce the population by 90%. Agenda 21 is the enemy of humanity and this article is a snap shot of how the Agenda 21 forces are attacking people on an individual, a state and a regional basis. Agenda 21 Attacks “Off the Grid” Americans Kim Fahey, located in Antelope Valley, CA., constructed one of the most unique homes in the United States. He received notoriety for the design of his home which became affectionately known as Phonehenge. Fahey was also living off the grid, a huge violation of Agenda 21 protocols. The Agenda 21 beholding LA County Sheriff Swat team subsequently descended upon Fahey and arrested him for code violations. He was sentenced to 543 days in jail because he could not afford to haul away the debris of his home which was demolished by the County. However, the real target, was his off the grid lifestyle. There was a time, not so long ago, if you mentioned Agenda 21, you were labeled a tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist. Two years ago, Senator McCain was asked about Agenda 21 and he said that he did not know what Agenda 21 was. Today, Agenda 21 is out in the open for all who want to see. If Agenda 21 would have existed in 1840 ... the West would have remained closed for exploration and men wouldnt have been allowed to seek the other side of the mountain and beyond. Agenda 21 would never have allowed the United States of America to grow and become a great nation. The very essence that built our country is now being squashed through ignorant-endless laws/regulations ... spurred on by big bankers ... the elite and wishful NWO protagonists. We ... the People have lost the freedom to dream, explore and fulfill the same kind of goals our forefathers held so dearly and fought for. Lock and load ... cuz someone ... somewhere ... some time ... will fire the first shot and they wont be dragged to the ground ... cuffed and hauled off. A dozen more true patriots will be there ... in the shadows ... more shots will ring out ... and the word will spread like wild fire. THEN ... it begins. Note: I do not wear a tin-foil-hat, but I do keep my arms cleaned and ready, and I stay informed and vigilant ... and still have a sound mind.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:08:54 +0000

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