Ever been 55 metres below ground and still breathing? Today we - TopicsExpress


Ever been 55 metres below ground and still breathing? Today we went to the underground city of Derinkuyu Yeralti Sehri where upwards of 4000 Christians would hide from the Romans according to our guide. We ventured down, down and down some more to see the church, the graveyard (ok Stephen went down a bit further to see that, I didnt), the missionary school and the stables. All cool, bit a bit freaky when you think they built this underground place and it is supposedly connected to another underground city by way of a nine km tunnel....we didnt check it out. We also hiked the Ilhara Valley (4 km hike) where there were several churches and hundreds of homes and pigeon caves carved in the hillside. We also climbed up to the Selime Monastery which overlooked part of the 14 km gorge of the Ilhara Valley. We left the tour at 6.30ish to come back to our hotel cause we didnt want to see the way they carve onyx.?.code for a place to buy tourist stuff..... We ate at Dibeks which we reserved the other day. Good thing cause they were turning people away. Soups, a cheese bread, pickles, and a veggie clay pot were our main courses plus, we had aside for dessert, which is a flour and oil dessert with a type of molasses made from a local ingredient.....it almost tasted like peanut butter. Now, having an early night as we have to get up for a 5.15 AM departure for a ballon ride over Cappidocia. Pic 1 Overlooking Goreme Pic 2 and 3 Underground in Derinkuyu Pic 4 to 6 Selime Monastery
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:47:53 +0000

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