Ever been to a boxing match? A football game? A Karate or cage - TopicsExpress


Ever been to a boxing match? A football game? A Karate or cage fight? Ever notice that your heart starts beating faster? Ever notice how you begin to yell for one or the other? When you watch football games, when you watch fights, high speed racing or anything that gets the heart pumping enormous amounts of adrenaline, your energy is being collected by the SAME obelisks (which now look like cell phone towers, but function the same way), sent down into the closest CROSS LEY LINE subterranean energy modulator and then transmuted BACK into your own dimension to cause your minds TV dial to pick up the WRONG CHANNEL. The gladiator rings in Rome were placed on CROSS Ley Line points. Sound familiar? As in the CROSS of sacrifice? The stadiums where football games are located are also placed on these line points. The race tracks where people go to race at 160 mph where everyone there is riveted every second with adrenaline pumping through their veins, waiting for the next crash are also on these line points. These are the places where the city-sized geometric cymatic energy grids were placed on earth 246,000 years ago to modulate the core energy of earth into lower frequencies and where the cumulative energy fields of man are gathered in huge numbers in order to harvest the energy and transfer it into Merkaba Fileds that must feed off the expended energy escaping from man, from earth and from the extreme physical reactions to fear and excitement. You will find in ancient Rome, places where there aer huge megalithic structures of enormous proportions that form a grid of CRYSTALLINE pillars, one after another in neat rows, covering a vast space but with no roof and no evidence of any roof ever being present. In fact, so closely spaced, that they could hold up a mountain if they wanted to but there was nothing overhead except more CRYSTALLINE beams. These places were always positioned immediately next to the gladiator rings where the energy emitted from the humans next door could be extrapolated, sent down into the subterranean Cross Ley line energy modulator, broadcast back into the earth atmosphere through crystalline obelisks which were perfectly tuned broadcast antennas, and the enormous energy field of mankinds harvested adrenaline, mixed with the Schumann Resonance of earths heartbeat could be used to cause the frequency of where you are standing on earth to vibrate far lower than where Earth resonates organically.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:22:36 +0000

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