Ever feel stuck? How about unmotivated? Maybe comfortable? This - TopicsExpress


Ever feel stuck? How about unmotivated? Maybe comfortable? This describes most people everyday! Youve felt those creative juices before. You know when youre on point. Those moments when youre super productive and feel sooooo good about yourself! Do you recreate those experiences daily? How about 2-3 times daily? The answer is NO for most. The moment you start feeling stuck... Its much easier to nap, eat, call a friend, peruse social media or busy yourself with some non-revenue generating activity. The ability to really FOCUS is a rare talent these days. People simply do not HOLD THEMSELVES to a high enough standard. Why exhaust yourself, right? Developing that mental stamina of high performance is tough! The kids need my attention, the laundry needs to be folded, and I can just put this off until tomorrow. This mediocre attitude penetrates Western culture like a virus! The pioneers that came before us didnt have all the distractions we now have today. The inventors, the scientists, the artists, the engineers, and the thinkers didnt have google or smart phones at their fingertips. They had to use their MINDS! My encouragement to you is not fall in to this cycle. Your mind is a muscle that needs to be worked out everyday! As you punish that muscle, it will grow stronger and stronger and stronger. If you do not, it will atrophy. You will fall in to the laziness trap like 99% of other americans. At the end of each day, you can appreciate your results OR you can come up with reasons for lack of results. You are creative. You are smart. You are talented. You can change the world. To do so, you have to make a decision. No one else is going to motivate you more than you can motivate yourself. Enough of this weak sauce around us. Get after it today! Be a game changer. Your mind will lead to thoughts that lead to actions that could change the world for the rest of us. Were counting on you! Dont waste another moment. No Regrets, Jordan
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:05:58 +0000

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