Ever have a day where you should have never gotten out of bed? - TopicsExpress


Ever have a day where you should have never gotten out of bed? That was me today! Sher was in the atttic getting out my Spring stuff because I am butt tired of looking t my winter stuff and she bumped into the hot water heater and it sparked, some plate on the side of it had only one screw in it and it blew the breaker and I swear this house trips the breaker I bet them most houses do in a yr because all of us on one junction box is the problem! I called Ted and he told me to check the GFI I said well the nuke and the fish tank are OK and the way he wired this place is a nightmare! yeah, they were working because they are on a separate amp and no the GFI did not work so then we knew the breaker tripped. I have a set of keys for downstairs, have for yrs, but I dont feel comfortable about going in the house without their permission besides the box is way up high on the wall in the wash room and I have to stand on the freaking dryer to reach it so I was like well guess I wait till they come home and sometimes Jamie comes home for lunch so I was like man I hope he does today and here he comes so that issue was taken care of! Then my remote for my TV in the living room the batteries were low and it is pain in the ass to try to get the thing open to put new ones in so Sher does it and I think I am golden as they were fresh batteries! I go to change the channel and it wont change so I was maybe the batteries are no good as Sheri bought some new and they did not work so I took the ones out of the bedroom remote and damm if they would not work, but yet they worked in the bed room? I am not about to go without TV as I would go bat shit so I futzed around with it and I found some other batteries in my dresser and they had to been old, but they worked GO FIGURE! And then a bill collector calls, and I am OK with paying on the bill but I am not going to pay the full amount as it was Direct TV and they like so pissed me off that is why I changed companies and am pleased with Dish as they also have the net as I got rid of Century Link altogether! So I call this company and I am like, I can pay a $1 a month at least I am trying to make an effort as I am on SS and I cant pay the full amount so he lays this on me if I pay $133 a month in six months I will pay it off and I was like again NOT GONNA HAPPEN! So he tells me that he will advise DT and to have a nice day! Now if one is trying to make an effort to pay even as little as I offered, then I am attempting to pay a debt! So I called Direct TV and I explained to them that yes, I still had the DVR but it will cost me at UPS $12 to ship it back to them and I am not about to do it so if they want it, they can send someone out to get it! Now I only owe them bill wise $167 so the rest of the $689 is for the DVR! So I said well if you want it come get it as I am not paying the $12 which is ridiculous! SO I fully expect that they will SELL me to another bill collector and I am gonna tell them same thing! I got hip to the one cretin that keeps calling me and now I dont answer and they start calling me at 8 am and have been known to call as late as 10 pm and this an 11 yr old debt which I will never pay as they screwed me and they have SOLD me to I dont know how many of these hound dog bill collectors, sooner or later they will stop so I dont even worry about it as it should have been off my credit 5 yrs ago! I have been told that some things can stay one longer than what used to be only 7 yrs and they will hound you and hound you, I remember staying with a friend here and she could no longer work and these companies she owed money too would call several times a day and I told her to change her number! And then only friends and family had the number! One time I had a answering machine that had voice mail capability on it and when I left Ken I was living on my CC cards and I was trying to make the minimum payments but after awhile even working 2 jobs, I could not pull it off so I left a message that if you were family or friends press one, if you are a bill collector press 2 and leave a message for the cats and these dummies would! I too changed my number to unlisted! Never live on your CC cards big mistake! I only have 2 now and I want to pay one off this month as I want to go see my sister in PA so I am try to get it paid off by summer! They come in handy at the end of the month, but the interest one in pretty high and that is the one I need to pay off. SO how was everyones elses day?
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 01:09:17 +0000

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