Ever have one of those days? Where nothing goes right, you feel - TopicsExpress


Ever have one of those days? Where nothing goes right, you feel like crap, and just want to crawl in the bed and die the death you know is coming on? Today was Definitely one of those days for me... woke up throat swollen, NO energy, breathing labored...so on my way out the door I poured a mega big cup of coffee.... just what the dr. ordered right? this is a good thing right?.. ha...at lunch my best friend offers to buy me lunch... (so sweet) she knew it was a crappy day... and was so trying to make it better .....this is a great thing right? ha ha... LOL Heather Davis even you couldnt change the hands of fate today, but I do love you for trying!!! So first off... My mega cup of coffee gets spilled... and I really dont mean a little spilled, its one of those SLOSH EVERY WHERE ALL OVER YOUR WINDSHIELD kinda messes that you know your going to hate cleaning later, such a waste of good coffee... THEN.. my free lunch??? well lets just say I never got the first sip of my coke... setting it on the hood of the car wasnt a good idea it tipped over and went not only all over the OTHER SIDE OF MY WINDSHIELD but on me too! but my best friend being the greatest that she is... is like no worries I got coke in the fridge inside!! YAY!!!another good thing right?? ... So I go in and proceed to eat my lunch right? ok since WHEN does Mickie Ds Put salt and pepper on their hamburgers?? and OMG it wasnt just a little it was HORRIED... covered I was scrapping that crap off just trying to get a decent bite... UGH... par for course right? naaaaaaaaaaa............. lol my boss feeling sympathy for my Crappy day and lack of energy says go home... ok finally this day is looking up!!!!.....so I pull up at home set my coke down to get my purse and Ill Be a son of a biscuit eater if THAT didnt tip over all down into my GEAR SHIFT consoul!!!!... so... after a much needed rest, and picking Emily up I have Cleaned my CAR... washed my windows, and I am determined to FEEL Better if it means I have to take the whole bottle of NASTY TASTING...Oregano Oil.... LOL Some days we do... Some days we dont... and some days we shouldnt even TRY..... but there is always something to be thankful for... and today I am thankful for my Friends at work, they totally make a crappy day at least fun to be in!!! Love you guys! and Heather Davies, your one of the BEST!!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:47:48 +0000

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