Ever hear of “The Beloit Mindset List”? The Beloit Mindset - TopicsExpress


Ever hear of “The Beloit Mindset List”? The Beloit Mindset List is something put together by two professors from a college in Beloit, WI. Over the years it has received national and international attention. This is what it is. Every summer these two professors compile a list of items that describe the only world that a typical college freshman has come to know. It makes for interesting reading, to say the least. Here are some examples from this year’s list. Typical students starting college this fall were born in 1995. In their world, Dean Martin, Mickey Mantle and Jerry Garcia have always been dead. With GPS, they have never needed directions to get somewhere, just an address. Their favorite feature films have been largely computer generated. The CD player in their parents’ car is ancient and embarrassing. In their world, spray paint has never been legally sold in Chicago, Olympic Fever has always erupted every two years, and they have never attended a concert in a smoke-filled arena. And in their world of life experience, Washington, DC tour buses have never been able to drive in front of the White House. Do you find this list a bit jarring? If you’re of a certain age, perhaps you do. It’s not always pleasant to discover that you’ve reached a point in your life where the world you knew is no longer the world that is. But here’s the thing. The 18-year-olds plugged into the technology and popular culture of the moment will experience that same sense of jarring unease. In a few short years, they too will feel the ground of their world shift and change under their feet. They will read the future installments of “The Beloit Mindset List,” and they too will shake their heads. That’s why real life does not rest on things that shift and change. Instead, real life rests on the one Person who does not change. Real life rests upon Jesus Christ. Beyond the fickleness of popular culture, beyond the latest gadgets of technology, beyond the breaking news of current events – beyond all that, there stands Jesus. There stands your Savior from sin. There stands the One whose promises you can embrace. There stands the One whose will for your life you can trust. And so let the changes come. Jesus does not change. And that’s all that matters. Prayer: Lord Jesus, in a world of change, you do not. You remain the same. Move me never to forget this. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 16:48:49 +0000

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