Ever heard of Certified Naturally Grown? Thats what we are here - TopicsExpress


Ever heard of Certified Naturally Grown? Thats what we are here at Shady Grove. A grassroots alternative to a government/corporate ag controlled Certified Organic program. It is not my opinion that you should research EVERYTHING for yourselves when it comes to food, it is a fact. We can no longer trust the organic programs, our health food stores, etc. I dont know how many times I have heard people say to me that they just assume when they walk through the doors of a co-op, for example, that everything is truly organic and healthy. This couldnt be further from the truth. Research the products, read labels, find out who the parent company is, ask what farmers are feeding their animals...is it conventional? Is it non GMO? Is it organic? Conventional feed usually contains GMO grains, which then goes into the animals meat, eggs, etc. In my opinion, one of the most misunderstood labels today is LOCAL. So many people believe that this is synonymous with ORGANIC. This, too, couldnt be further from the truth. Local is WHERE something is produced, not HOW. Buying local is always great in the sense of supporting our local economy, but only sometimes great when it comes to making healthy choices. Now, dont get me wrong, there are some Certified Organic farmers that are doing it right, but the program, as a whole, can no longer be trusted. Shake your farmers hands, get to know them, ask questions. Things will not change until the consumers become informed! We will continue to work hard as farmers to provide any necessary information and what knowledge we can to help regain control of our food system, but it will take farmers and consumers together to achieve this! Are you in? healthimpactnews/2014/alert-certified-organic-food-grown-in-u-s-found-contaminated-with-glyphosate-herbicide/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:16:54 +0000

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