Ever heard of the World Baloch Jewish Alliance? For those of - TopicsExpress


Ever heard of the World Baloch Jewish Alliance? For those of you living under a rock (ie. reading Pentagon controlled press like the Pentagon Tribune, Jew TV and Hamid Mir Jaffar) heres some information the American controlled press in Pakistan wont want you to know. The World Baloch Jewish Alliance is a group that was created in the early 2000s in Israel. The purpose of the group is to combat anti-Semitism in all its forms and believes the Baloch people are one of the lost tribes of Israel. The Alliances aims and objects include promoting friendship between Israel and Balochistan and the destruction of Pakistan and Iran. Though the WBJA is apolitical, it is supportive of the Tel Aviv based orgy group who call themselves the Government of Balochistan in Exile, which was formed by Mir Azaad Khan, a self proclaimed Baloch who just so happens to be of Jewish descent, now living in Israel. Also remember the Khan of Kalat? Apparently a taxi driver from the UK have convinced a few people he is the son of the Khan. He lives in England and this is what he said regarding Pakistan and Iran the most effective way to deal with a nuclear-determined Iran – and a Pakistan that is already there – is not through sanctions but fomenting unrest among minorities “Baloch independence will not just weaken, but break, both Iran and Pakistan,” he says. “You Jews are just not even 15 million, and only half live in Israel, but every time the Israelis do anything the whole Arab world screams but does nothing.” “I’ll tell you something: We Baloch are 30 million,” he says, inflating the actual number by as much as triple. “One Baloch can handle one hundred Punjabis, and the same goes for those Persians.” Funny how they all remember how Jewish they are when Gold is found at Reko Diq. ;) For more information on this strip bar and pub, please refer to: World Baloch Jewish Alliance PO Box 5631 Jerusalem, Israel - 91000
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 14:48:24 +0000

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