Ever seen a lost kitten on the street you wished you could take - TopicsExpress


Ever seen a lost kitten on the street you wished you could take home? Or a limping dog you wished you could help? Many of us come across stray, helpless animals and despite genuinely wanting to help them, we do not because we can’t or we do not know what to do. If you cannot take them home, fortunately there are animal shelters in the city which will provide them with shelter and care. If you want to take it home, make sure that it does not belong to someone else. Some animals may be lost, not stray, and in that case the owner would want them back. If there is a collar or an identification tag, the animal is probably lost. Contact animal shelters and veterinary clinics in the city and ask for any missing animal reports to help return the pet to the owner. You could also check ‘missing animals’ pages on social networking sites or other sites online. You could also put up ‘found pet’ flyers in the area with a picture of the animal and your contact number, which would make it easier for the owner to find his/her beloved pet. This might seem like a lot of work and troublesome, but wouldn’t you want someone else to do the same if they found your pet? These are some ‘lost and found pets’ sites you should check and make a ‘found pet’ post on: • ilostmydog.in/ • chennailostandfoundpets.wordpress/about/ Here are the 3 things you should do immediately when you come across a stray, injured or lost animal: 1. Feed it: This is a good way to keep the animal from wandering away and get close to it. If it is a cat or a dog, milk is a good option. 2. Do NOT try to capture it: Unless you are sure that it cannot harm you, do not try to capture it. If the animal is scared, it might try to bite or attack you. Even if you think that it is harmless, be cautious while approaching it. If the animal is injured and cannot move, hold her carefully and gently and put her in your car. Otherwise, try to lure the animal into your car with food. 3. Call an animal helpline or a shelter: Some organizations rescue the animals from the location whereas others might ask you to drop the animal off at their shelter. Below is a list of shelters for stray animals in various cities. Next time you find an animal in need of help, contact these organisations and help save a life! Bangalore: 1. VoSD (Voice of Stray Dogs): Help line : 1-800-3010-1901 (Mon-Sun, 9am-6pm) [email protected] strays.in/ 2. Karuna Animal Welfare Association of Karnataka: Phone numbers: 080 22860205/ 080 -23411181/ 080-23511329 [email protected] karunaanimalwelfare.org/index.htm 3. Krupa Animal Shelter: Phone numbers: 080-22224541 krupaanimalsbangalore.wordpress/ Delhi: 1. Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Center: Phone numbers: 011-25448062/ 011-25447751 sgacc1980@gmail sanjaygandhianimalcarecentre.org/aboutus.html 2. PFA (People For Animals): Phone numbers: +91 - 11 - 23357088, 23359241 [email protected] [email protected] peopleforanimalsindia.org/ 3. Red Paws Rescue: Phone number: 09958866067 redpawsrescue@gmail redpawsrescue/aboutus.htm Hyderabad: 1. Blue Cross Animal Shelter: Rescue Helpline: +91 40 3298 9858 (Working hours: 9am to 5pm) + 91- 40 2354 4355 / 5523 bluecrosshyd@gmail bluecrosshyd.in/index.php 2. Caring Hands For Animals: Helpline - 09642057881/ 09701948888 chfanimals@gmail chfanimals.webs/ 3. HSPCA (Humane Society for the Protection and Care of Animals): Phone number: 095 02 525949 hspcahyd@gmail Chennai: 1. Blue Cross: Phone numbers: 044-22354959/ 044-22300655/ 044-22300666 bluecrossofindia@gmail bluecrossofindia.org/ 2. Animal Welfare and Protection Trust: Helplines: 9840939281, 9003197956, 9445306436 awptrust@yahoo awptrust.org/about_us.html 3. People for Animals: Helplines: 044-26321819, 9840405326 pfachen@gmail pfachennai.net/index.html Mumbai: 1. AMTM (Animals Matter To Me): Ganesh: +91-9819380310 Ankita: +91-9820335799 [email protected] amtmindia.org/ 2. YODA (Youth Organization in Defense of Animals): Akarsh: 09820200531 Pooja: 09870252558 akarsh@adopet adopet/index.html 3. In Defence of Animals (IDA): Phone number: 022-32681417
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:03:07 +0000

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