Ever since I broke my ribs (finally..MUCH BETTER..thought they - TopicsExpress


Ever since I broke my ribs (finally..MUCH BETTER..thought they would never heal) I got a large supply of genie bras, because they were the only thing I could wear that didnt rebreak my ribs. (even they were uncomfortable, and spent a summer as a recluse, because I didnt want to wear clothes). The Genie bra is unique, in that they have padding ON TOP, which I thought was very odd. Because the old MaidenForm bra concept of lift and separate for shape is so engrained. Genie bras, pad on top, which I can only assume is for old people to compensate for sag (LOL), regardless, they have worked for me. However, Bob, (my dog--for those who dont know) has decided they are stuffies. He gets into the laundry basket at every opportunity and drags them out. Its a good thing Bob doesnt tear up anything. But he DOES like to wash anything and everything that fascinates him. (including the June Bug grubs that emerge in the late summer/fall season after it rains... which the other dogs dig up and eat, and Bob brings in to study and wash... resulting in my yard looking like a tilled garden instead of a lawn. No.. my yard doesnt reach lawn standards. I have dogs. Its just a yard that appears to be a lunar landscape. anything green is a biological marvel) Anyway, Bob again found my genie stuffies in the laundry ready to fold and put away. He decided it needed washed so its now dog goobery.. and headed back down to the washing machine. The dogs know trash cans are off limits. I suppose I should teach Bob that laundry is also off limits. Tuck, OTOH is allowed. He doesnt play with toys and stuffies, and If I tell him that I want socks, various underwear, etc; he goes and gets them for me specified by names. However if the socks arent matching, Tuck doesnt seem to understand that he should. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:55:45 +0000

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