Ever since I donated blood at my local blood center some time - TopicsExpress


Ever since I donated blood at my local blood center some time back, and they discovered Im Type O, they have been hounding me like hungry vampires to donate blood again. Seriously, I get calls like 2 to 3 times a week, e-mails and letters. So. Although I abhor needles (I cant stress to you enough how much I hate seeing anything metal go into me, its a long story why and Im not going into it here or anywhere for that matter, but suffice it to say, many years ago I survived a rather savage attack that included a serrated hunters knife, and I have not been fond of metal sharp objects near my body since, although conversely Im good at knife throwing and have a fascination for knives and swords), that said, Im making another appointment to donate blood. Im even going to donate platelets. They said I could pick a movie to watch for the donating of the platelets, as it takes awhile, a long while they added, and I cringed. But truth be told, a year ago, someone out there donated platelets one day, not knowing those platelets were used to save my Mothers life when a second infection from her burst appendix ravaged her body two days after her first surgery. Forcing another immediate emergency and in her weakened cancer-related state, she would have died without those donor platelets. I have never forgotten that anonymous person (thank you whoever you are), and told myself at the time that I would return the favour. So. I got another call from the blood bank, and I am going to donate blood and platelets, because paying it forward is important and its also a promise I want to keep.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:27:20 +0000

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