Ever since reality TV shows took over the networks, my television - TopicsExpress


Ever since reality TV shows took over the networks, my television viewing has dropped to practically nothing. Still, sometimes it’s nice to put aside work and books for a while and watch something. Consequently, several years ago Deb and I started buying the complete DVD sets of all the Star Trek series. We started with Voyager, then went to Deep Space Nine, Enterprise, Star Trek, and finally Star Trek Next Generation. We also picked up all the movies. As of last night, we completed every episode of every series, and every movie ever made. I swear . . . I’m not a Trekie! Surprisingly, Enterprise was my favorite series. In terms of viewers, Enterprise (which is set approximately 100 years before Captain Kirk) was the least successful series. I think the reason was because the episodes built upon each other. In fact, season three was basically one, long, tense episode. So if you missed a broadcast show, you could easily end up lost. But on DVD that problem goes away. If you like Star Treks, I highly recommend Enterprise! For me, the two things I liked best about the Star Trek series were how they offered ahead-of-their-time commentary on present-day issues—everything from interracial relations to acceptance of gays to the rejection of consumerism and war. I also love that so many of Star Trek’s futuristic predictions and gadgets have already become a reality in our time period. In the coming years, I have no doubt we’ll continue to be amazed as more and more Star Trek-initiated concepts (whether social or technological) become part of everyday life. In an Enterprise episode, Captain Jonathan Archer states point-blank that hunting goes “out of style” on earth in 2050. Anyone want to bet he won’t be right? I repeat: I am not a Trekie!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 01:59:16 +0000

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