Everest 25th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on - TopicsExpress


Everest 25th November 2014 Written Episode, Written Update on Facebook The Episode starts with Akash asking Arjun to meet Anjali as she has some work. Arjun says tell her to come and meet me here. Akash says she is resting in her room. Arjun says oh, after her major injury and taunts Anjali. Akash says shut up, Anjali is talented. Arjun says yes, she acted being somewhat hurt, who asked her to come here, she can give ad in matrimony and get married. Akash says you are sick. Arjun asks why is he feeling bad, is he interested in her, he will get him fixed, both are losers. Akash starts a fight. Everyone try to stop them. Abhiyankar comes and gets angry seeing them. He asks whats happening here. He says Arjun, we felt proud that you are coming to NIM and he was happy about Akash, who binds the team. Akash says he just got angry, sorry, he started the fight. Arjun says it won’t happen again, and leaves. Akash apologizes to Arjun and says he felt bad about Anjali. Arjun says you should accept it. Akash is puzzled. Akash thinks about Anjali and smiles. Its morning, Akash asks Anjali is he fine. She smiles. Arjun signs Akash. Akash leaves. Akash asks Anjali asks Arjun. She laughs and says she has met Akash to know a book. Kabir tells Anjali how he fought with Arjun at the dining hall because of her. Anjali asks Akash what happened. Akash says Arjun was saying something wrong, so I scolded him in anger. Abhiyankar tells them about camping for two days. He reminds him about expedition being like strange way. He says all knowledge is good knowledge. Arjun talks to him and says he already knows this camping and tent making, why should he work hard. Abhiyankar says then why did you come here, what can we teach you then. Abhiyankar asks Arjun to prepare himself as he needs no help. Arjun says fine and goes to make tent. He sees Akash and Anjali together. Akash goes to shoot Arjun, while he is making tent. Arjun scolds him. Akash says don’t damage the camera, I can’t replace it. Arjun says you shoot Anjali when you have to shoot me, and now when its not needed, you came to shoot me. He asks him to get out and taunts on Anjali. Anjali hears them and is annoyed with Akash. Akash explains that it was meaningly, Arjun’s ego was hurt and he got angry, please ignore it. She gives him food and goes. Akash apologizes to her. He gives her a flower and winks. Awasthi tells about tomorrow’s competition and tells about Naismith rule. The lecture goes on. Raman answers right and exact. Kabir questions Raman and he tells right. Everyone laugh. Awasthi continues the lecture and dismisses the class. Raman stands while Vicky goes to loo. Raman asks him to come soon. Vicky says he is slipping. He says if I fall from here, it will be shame. Raman laughs. The toilet paper falls down. Vicky asks Raman to help. Precap: Awasthi tells someone has cut the harness of Anjali. Akash beats Kabir and the fight starts between both groups.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:39:52 +0000

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