Everness Jorge Luis Borges Translated by Richard Wilbur - TopicsExpress


Everness Jorge Luis Borges Translated by Richard Wilbur Everness One thing does not exist: Oblivion. God saves the metal and he saves the dross, And his prophetic memory guards from loss The moons to come, and those of evenings gone. Everything is: the shadows in the glass Which, in between the day’s two twilights, you Have scattered by the thousands, or shall strew Henceforward in the mirrors that you pass. And everything is part of that diverse Crystalline memory, the universe; Whoever through its endless mazes wanders Hears door on door click shut behind his stride, And only from the sunset’s farther side Shall view at last the Archetypes and the Splendors.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 09:46:51 +0000

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