Every Belly is Invited .Choose a Healthier Alternative. If you - TopicsExpress


Every Belly is Invited .Choose a Healthier Alternative. If you eat excess calories, your body stores the energy as glycogen or fat to use at a later time. These compounds get stored in your liver, muscles and fat cells. Overtime, continually eating excess calories causes your body fat stores to expand, resulting in weight gain. Youll have to create a calorie deficit to lose the excess calories your body has stored.Consuming excess calories means youre eating more than your body burns off in a day. Some energy expenditure comes from body processes, such as your heart beating, breathing and digestion. The remainder of the energy you expend daily is due to physical activities, such as walking, cleaning the house, climbing stairs, biking or gardening. If you eat more than you burn in a day, your body stores the excess calories to use later when calories are scarce.Some excess calories you consume from carbohydrates are converted to and stored as glycogen, a complex carbohydrate, in your body Whats the first thing you need to know about reading food labels? Too often, people with the best of intentions dont realize that unless you read the entire label, youre not going to get a true idea of the foods ingredients.Even then, you have to know how to interpret what the label says to be absolutely certain that youre getting what you want.Whats the first thing you need to know about reading food labels? Too often, people with the best of intentions dont realize that unless you read the entire label, youre not going to get a true idea of the foods ingredients.Even then, you have to know how to interpret what the label says to be absolutely certain that youre getting what you want.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:01:58 +0000

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