Every Conceivable official LINK to, official this, official that, - TopicsExpress


Every Conceivable official LINK to, official this, official that, some junk, some garbage and some comedy. Everything, except the whole truth and the conclusion. mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ../jfkinfo/jfklinks.htm I discovered the following site quite accidentally one day back in 1998. What drew my attention to it was the very first page - The United States Congressional Letterhead of the Chairman of the House Select Commitee on Assassinations Research 1978, The Right Honorable Representative Henry B. Gonzales, of San Antonio, Texas. He lent his name to the site. The commitee had concluded that there was indeed a Conspiracy, but Jimmy Carter was De-Selected as President after what some of us felt was a Political Assassination in the media. It centered/rs around a man named James Files. He claimed/s to have been the shooter behind the fence at the Grassy Knoll and delivered the final Head Shot. The account was PRECISELY as I saw it in the fall of 1971, my freshman year at Austin College Sherman, Texas. Rusty and I saw it at the home of Penn Jones - Author of 3 books on the Assassination at that time and Editor of the Midlothian, Texas Newspaper. What convinced me of its authenticity was James files account of the film I saw that night at the home of Penn Jones, along with the frame by frame account of the Zapruder Film by the only person allowed to view it and report on it to the public. That was an obscure litle KRLD TV new reporter, one Dan Rather. I entered under a pilot program my Freshman year called Communication Inquiry. My selected topic for the semester was Extremist Politics - Right and Left. Since there is no more extreme form of politics than Assassination, that is what we chose. I and my partner Russel Clark, a Divinity Major were charged with a Semester thesis which we entitled Assassination Politics. That became and still is my political handle. The site was later purchase by a Mr. Wim Dankbar of Holland, but not before I was able to influence its development. This entire compilation will should be the most complete and authoratative account of the assassination you will ever find once finished. https://jfkmurdersolved/ https://facebook/groups/AssassinationPolitics
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:00:32 +0000

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