Every Daily devotion is fulfilling as I suppose it should be. - TopicsExpress


Every Daily devotion is fulfilling as I suppose it should be. Sometimes I feel guilty when my daily devotion seems to become routine when I know deep down in my heart that as each day is a gift so much more so is The LORDs Holy word- Therefore I pray that anytime spent with the LORD be it in daily devotionals, prayer groups or on the Sabbath is JESUSs Time spent with us in his word speaking to our hearts, filling us with the Holy Spirit thus it is my hope for myself & anyone who spends time in the word of GOD, that we soak it all in. That we ask our loving Father for his embrace that thru reading his word we ate being shaped like a potter with his clay or a blacksmith refining his molten metal into a double edge sword. After this reading today these things way heavy on my heart, as I fall short of the glory of our LORD & Savior JESUS CHRIST I truly pray that spending time with GOD in any capacity never becomes routine & never to be taken for granted. I also want to share (As I comment after todays devotion) my thanks for anyone & everyone that has kept myself in their prayers. Further I want everyone to know my prayers go out almost daily to each of you. That may be hard to believe since any one person could be reading this post. However I believe that when I or anyone for that matter sincerely prays for CHRIST to Bring many sons to glory, or as I pray its that CHRIST would save everyone It comes down to a simple matter of faith. I believe that nothing is impossible for our FATHER, GOD! So why not. I wont lie there have been times that I havent wanted to pray for others and have sold myself short by not doing so. As I get older Ive found that it takes a whole lot of energy, time and effort to shut people out, to be angry & to be the opposite of what the LORD would want when it comes to how we treat one another. Being kind, honest, sincere & caring is really an easy thing to do. In this world its not the most popular way to deal with your neighbors, peers even strangers. I can say thou that it is truly worth it. I know I really can ramble on but I find that writing out what Im thinking right after (Wherever each days devotional studies take me) my daily devotional study deepens each book, each chapter, each verse even each word (At times) & this reflection could be another facet for The LORDs plan for my life & for those that GOD has placed in my life. May the LORD Our FATHER JESUS CHRIST Bless You & Yours! In JESUS Name Amen. Graciously, Stephen M. Naylor The 2nd
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:11:50 +0000

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