Every Invader Zim fan knows about the image called Bloody GIR. - TopicsExpress


Every Invader Zim fan knows about the image called Bloody GIR. Youve probably heard that he was a joke, right? Put there to get back at Nickelodeon studios for censoring them so much. The image was slipped into a couple frames of a few episodes and was so faint he couldnt even be seen unless you paused the show at a certain frame. More information about this myth: GIR Link This image is no joke though. I was there at Nickelodeon studios when Bloody Gir was made. It was the final episode, called Final Doom. Johnen and the crew knew the show was going to be cancelled and were working on Bad Bad Rubber Piggy when they found out. They had about 14 more episodes to go so they made the final episode early and thought it would be a big middle finger to the network to have this grotesqe image in it. I dont know how they thought this final episode would get aired though because people like myself view the episodes first before they ever air. I kind of wish I hadnt because Im still a bit rattled by the experience. The episode started as normal as any. The intro had no audio and was really choppy. Which I expected that because episodes tend to come back a little glitchy and need some fixes before actually airing. It opened with a shot of the sky and the title appeared on screen, Final Doom. Then camera lowered down to look down on Zims house and zoom in. The next scene showed GIR was a taco as usual, Zim staring at him accross the room. He stared for an uncomfortable amount of time. Like the same shot was being shown but it was actually zooming in on Zim but so slow that it was hardly noticable. After a couple minutes Zim walked over and slapped the taco out of his hand and announced he didnt want stinky human food in the house anymore. I thought GIR would ignore him as usual, and go about his merry way or maybe have a comical tantrum. But I was wrong. Gir stared at the taco on the floor for a long time. I began to see a theme in this episode. However during this staring I could hear something in the background....it was....screaming. It sounded like a man being tortured. It w as too real to be a voice actor. And even though it was barely audible, I felt like the sound was coming from right next to me. GIRs eyes turned red like he was in duty mode and evil music started playing. He reached back and slapped Zim out of the way before taking off and busting through the front of the house. At this point I looked around at the other people watching this. Because all this seemed....off. Really off! Just the whole atmosphere of the episode was wrong. Everyone else looked as puzzled as I was. The episode cut to Dib, sitting on the ground outside, crying about something. He had his hands over his eyes and was sobbing loudly. Like it was so loud we had to turn down the speakers to save our ears. You can probably guess what happened. This episode had a habbit of letting things go on for uncomfortable amounts of time. This went on for a while before the scene just cut to a few seconds of static. When it returned, Gir was there in front of Dib. There was no audio now. Gir said something to Dib and Dib turned away. It now showed Dib and Gir standing behind him while Dib talked. Dib finally raised his head up and took his hands away to reveal he had....no eyes. Just empty black sockets behind his glasses. He flopped down on the gound wailing. Gir looked unmoved by whatever Dib was saying. This was about the time we started hearing that man screaming again. And since there was no audio this time I was perfectly clear that what it was. This was clearly a man in true excruciating pain. We didnt have a lot of time to think about it because the audio was back and the scene abruptly changed, now quite full of static. It was in professor membranes lab. The animation was really choppy again, the lines and color was there but it was all stills like an animatic. The music was disturbingly out of tune when Gir busted through the ceiling of the lab, holding a bloodied up Dib in his claw, entrails hanging out of his stomach and leading up to, in Girs other claw, a taco shell. Membrane looked up, looking unbothered. But the scene froze there as the audio continued. Membrane said well at least it wasnt Gaz. Fr om what we could hear, Gir screamed and flew over and beat the shit out of Professor Membrane. However we got a quick flash of the aftermath when it was over. We had to pause it on the frame because it was so fast. It was a single frame of professor membrane laying on the lab floor, blood trickling from his head and making a small pool on the floor. His goggles had been ripped off revealing his eyes for the very first time frozen in a look of shock and horror. His arms had been ripped from his body and stripped of all their flesh. His chest had been opened up and Dib was stuffed inside. A couple people in the viewing booth threw up and asked to leave. I and a couple others stayed. When we played it again and the animation was back to normal. It was clear again. The view was on Gir flying out of the ceiling of the lab at full speed, it blowing up in the background. Then there was a sharp static sound before it cut to Gazs bedroom. Gir was standing there with a very unsettling look on his face. Gaz looked just as pissed as ever. She said what are YOU doing here? Girs hand turned into a buzsaw blade and he made an evil grin. He took a swipe and for the first time Gaz seemed....weak. Her usual demeanor was gone. Like she wasnt instilling fear in the universe anymore. This wasnt like Gaz. Normally in this situation she would cooly kick the blade off his arm and beat the shit out of him. He took another swipe and caught her neck. She gasped for breath which turned into gurgling quickly. Blood sprayed out of her throat and onto Gir, covering his form in blood. He let it drip onto his taco which was now showing it had strips of what we asumed to be pieces of Membranes arm meat. It now showed a fullbody shot of Gir, completely covered in blood up and down. There was a low moan coming from the speakers and a disturbing gradient background behind him that kept changing through the whole shot. The shot lasted what seemed like hours but it was probably only a couple minutes. The most disturbing part was that this didnt even seem like part of the show at all. Like the whole episode was meant just to show this one shot. The screen faded to black and it appeared to be over. We started to get up and leave to go vomit. But then there was a loud screeching coming from the speakers. We turned down the sound but it did no good. We just had to sit it out until it was over. The screen came back showing a loop of Gir flying through a night sky, blue eyes, completely clean, bobbing up and down as he flew. This went on about 30 seconds before it cut to Gir busting another hole in Zims wall right next to the one hed made earlier. Zim was frightened at Girs appearence, now covered in blood and gore again. GIR! WHAT IS THIS? YOURE COVERED IN.......human juices....
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 00:26:15 +0000

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