Every Muslim having soft heart in his / her chest must ponder upon - TopicsExpress


Every Muslim having soft heart in his / her chest must ponder upon the greatness of Tahir ul Qadri reflected in this video focused on the friendly / cordial relations in the past compared to those of the prevailing situation / open tension between his and Sharif family. If all that which has been expressed on 03-03-1989, sitting in the mosque, and particularly in a straight-forward manner about his miserable past, though far behind me, is really commendable because he, too, is a self-made-man safe-guarding his just ego for maintaining the reputation of his own family as well as that of religious institution at its climax by virtue of the best of his best resources. This statement in the mosque has, of course, stirred me up to white-wash all the doubtful elements settled at the bottom of my pure heart once for all, so far as his expressed principles are concerned, but rather lagging behind compared to the state of affairs connected with my past in the sense that I was born with silver spoon in my mouth in Dar-es-salaam, present Tanzania, when my father was getting Rs.150/- p.m. in 1925 (contract agreements refer) and after his death the reader can imagine the intensity of our pecuniary condition, when I intended to commit suicide. Mr. Tahir ul Qadri took lacs of rupees (Rs.10,00,000/- from alone Sharif family) to establish his business and he succeeded a lot. Contrarily, I saved from my meager salary, with side property business, and made a hut-like mosque in a village where about 100-150 boys/girls are being taught Quran and Sunnah by a hired young Maulvy Sahib. Despite all the facilities blessed to Qadri sb, I take them just zero because he has lost his reputation owing to his follies - he has collected knowledge from the books and remained the insect of the books. He has buried himself under the burden of books, because he is lacking wisdom which is the boon from heaven (Al-Quran). He relies on references and not on wisdom - Imam Abu Hanifah relied on wisdom and not on books except Quran and Ahadees-e-Sahihah - he in a video confessed having acquired knowledge for nine years and in another video for fifteen-twenty years from Imam-e-Azam in dream(riya) - he told a lie even in an interview in Denmark in the statement referring to Blasphemy Law. Above all he told a lie about Muhammad sal meeting him in dream. Apart from this he celebrated Christmas Day in his mosque premises that confirms his being believer of Chrislam religion - the fiber of New World Order and all that which has marred not only his personality but also did give a set back to the undeniable values of Islam - The only true religion from alpha t omega. I think, he would now become realistic and shall say good-by to materialistic tempo. My video-debate challenge for 5-minutes still hold good. All for the present. Omissions and commission are regretted. binibrahim
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:41:54 +0000

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