Every Muslim hopes to be counted amongst the believers on the Day - TopicsExpress


Every Muslim hopes to be counted amongst the believers on the Day of Rising. These are trying times for us. Oppression abounds and how we respond to that oppression tells us a lot about ourselves. One of the wisdoms of this realm is that our actions and heart qualities manifest what our realities are deep within. If we are good then goodness floats to the top and if we are struggling with negativity that floats to the top as well. Tribulation manifests our inward conditions. For some it purifies them and brings glad tidings and for others it distances them and brings a severe warning. There is a categorical and substantive difference between those who struggle against oppression for Gods sake and those who do it for a worldly one. One of the most obvious litmus tests for the believer is how they feel about the oppressor. If we struggle for the sake of God then we wish and hope that their oppression will cease but we wish good for them and that they be guided to the light. We have no hatred in our hearts for them as people. We hate the oppression and we dont let that carry over to the person as an individual. Those who struggle against oppression for some worldly cause will undoubtedly let that dislike and hatred carry over beyond the acts to the oppressor himself, as a person. The Prophet and his companions had their families killed, their wealth and lands stolen, and their lives and very livelihood threatened... and yet they maintained beauty throughout. So much so that their enemies later converted to Islam and joined their ranks against oppression. They did not wish harm for anyone. While it is understandably human it is not Godly. A second litmus test for us - and this should scare us more - is the believers character throughout. Those who struggle for God hold on for life to good character regardless of how others treat them. This good character does not stop the believer from struggling against and fighting against oppression. It doesnt silence the believer and it doesnt mean we allow the normalization of his actions. However, those who struggle for God, they do so in a manner that is befitting of prophecy and not one that is befitting of mere human anger. These are trying times for the world-Muslim-community. But know well my dear friends that the Creator is ultimately in complete control. Nothing happens in this world except that it is being taken into account. No oppressor will escape the Day of Rising but more importantly neither will we. We are obligated to do what we can and leave the result to the One Who knows and sees all. The intelligent of us will be wary of what wrongs we ourselves are committing in addition to our struggle against oppression. One of the Prophets sayings that scares me the most is, A man will be written a tyrant and he has no control over anything other than his own family. God protect us from our own selves and may He fill the world with light. -Chaplain Mohammed Safi
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:49:47 +0000

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